Chapter 10: She is Severely Anaemic

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Luca POV

"Isabella Cattaneo's family?" A doctor asked us about 15 minutes later. We had explained whatever we had known to Victor and Elijah. Elijah had sunken into a chair with his head in his hands. Victor was pacing in the waiting room. Our heads snapped up as soon as the doctor said these words.

We all got up and the doctor seemed worried.

"We need to give her a blood transfusion. She is severely anaemic and is very weak because her Haemoglobin levels are around 6.3 while it is supposed to be double of that. She is AB+ and anyone can donate blood for her but it would be better if the donor had the same blood type. We also need her parents or her guardian to give us the go ahead. She was brought here in the nick of time. Any later and we would not have been able to save her. We do need somebody to donate blood though." He finished

"I'll do it." I said without a doubt.

Victor nodded," I'm her guardian. I'll take care of the legalities. You go ahead."

The doctor asked me a bunch of questions that were a blur as he led me to another room before hooking me up to a blood bag and taking my blood. 

I was given some biscuits to bring up my blood sugar and we watched anxiously as she was given the blood. We did not know her medical history so we had to wait till she woke up to tell the doctor.

It was torturous and we did not move from our spot, our eyes trained on her. Xander's and Roman's eyes were red and Elijah looked close to crying.

"You can go in now, she should wake up in about half an hour."

We all breathed a sigh of relief and entered her room. We sat down in the chairs and I grabbed her hand, making sure not to disturb the IV. and we waited.

Isabella POV

I was floating in darkness. I couldn't make anything out. I wasn't in pain. Was I dead? No, I could feel something on my hand. So I was unconscious. I focused on opening my eyes. It seemed like there were bricks on my eyelids. I mentally huffed in annoyance and tried again. This time I was able to open my eyes and immediately close them due to the brightness. I blinked fast to get used to the light and groaned.

"Izzy? Are you awake?" I heard a voice and I turned to the voice. Victor stood there, his hair a mess and his eyes exhausted.

"Oh thank god!" I heard a voice before I was crushed in a big group hug.

"Can't breathe" I squeaked out and they let me go, chuckling. I saw a tear escape Luca's eye and I lifted my hand to brush it away.

"Why are you crying?" I asked frowning as my memories came flooding back.

"We're just relieved you're okay. We almost lost you." Elijah said softly and I noticed tears in their eyes and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry to have given you a scare. But can you tell me what happened?" I said looking down.

"Ah, I see you are awake. Let me just run some tests and you can answer a few questions about your medical history and you will be fine to leave." Someone said from the door and I saw a kind looking doctor who smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Now, is there a history of anemia in your family?"

"No." Victor answered but I held up a hand.

"Yes, my mother and my maternal grandmother were anemic but neither were as severe as me. I have had my Haemoglobin drop to 6.5 once before and I was lucky it was discovered before I fainted or it became worse. I only survived because I was generally fat and that gave my body enough strength to push forward."

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