Chapter 1: Introductions and Racism

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First of all thank you for giving my story a chance. I don't really like long author notes so I'm just going to start with the chapter. Please don't be a silent reader and comment. I welcome constructive criticism so you are welcome to give your own opinion but I will not tolerate crass comments nor will tolerate hate comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion so please don't attack me in case of a difference of opinion. Also plagiarism is not going to be tolerated. I realize that there a lot of stories along these lines but I'm hoping that as the story progresses it won't seem plagiarized. I apologise in advance if it resembles the plot of any other book but I want to confirm that any resemblance to any other book is purely coincidental. Any resemblance to real life people and situations is also purely conincidental. Anyway, on with the show...

Isabella POV

My body groaned as I turned and burrowed back into my bed. My back was killing me and all I wanted to do was lie down and not get up till it stopped but I had school and if I didn't get up I was not going to make it in time. Suddenly there was a pounding on my door and I was so startled at the sudden loud noise that I leaped off the bed. Or well tried to but because of the sheets I was tangled in I managed to fall on my face. I groaned as my mother screamed at me to get up and lifted myself off the floor, grumbling darkly. I trudged into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before hopping into the shower. I walked out of the shower a towel wrapped tightly around me I walked to the cupboard filled with my clothes and chose a pair of black jeans and and grey v-neck which said 'I solemnly swear I am upto no good' and shrugged on my favourite denim jacket and hoisted my backpack onto my shoulders. I looked into the mirror.

A little about my family. I have two parents and a younger sister. My nationality is Indian and my family is a typical Indian family. My dad is just like me and is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. He instilled the love for books in me and is not so secretly biased towards me. He literally can never say no to me and I love him to pieces.

My mom is one of the best mothers ever. Sure, we often have a difference in opinions. She is a little rigid in behaviour but I loved her with all my heart. She taught me to laugh instead of crying. She taught me to be selfless and to put others before me. She is the main motivator in my life and pushed me to be myself. She made me stronger. Though we always went back and forth with a difference in a opinion, she always puts us first and is always proud of my achievements.

My sister is the literal spawn of Satan. She has made it her life's goal to piss me off. Unlike me she's mummy's little girl and my mum loves her to pieces. This does not mean I am any less protective about her though. I nearly bit off a guy's head when he tried to demean her. I love her a lot too but wouldn't really want to be stuck with her for the rest of my life.

Now a little about me. Unlike most girls I'm extremely tall with my height around 5'10" and I have an unhealthy obsession with boots and jackets. I am 15 years old and have back problems like a 80 year old grandma. My dad told me that when I was born I had blonde hair but over the next few weeks they darkened. My hair is now the colour of cocoa and was naturally wavy and thick. My eyes were chocolate brown and unlike my family my skin was paler than the wheatish skin tone of a proper Indian. I wasn't beautiful, not by a long shot, but I was normal and not ugly looking either.

Having dawdled by the mirror long enough to make myself late, I ran out of the room and, bidding goodbye to my family and promising to pick up my sister from school, I left the house to go to school. I walked into the classroom and spotted my friends immediately. We are all extremely different and also extremely similar. My life is full of paradoxes, isn't it? I had just sit down when a teacher hurried in and his eyes roamed the classroom and landed on me. He beckoned to me and I stood up and shared a puzzled look with my friends who had a similar look of confusion on their face. I followed the professor who said something that changed my life forever...

How was this chapter? I'm sorry to make the description so long but it's an old habit and also this will be required in the next few chapters.

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Adios and fountains of skittles for you.

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