Chapter 15: What's There to Say?

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I practically skipped out of the office only to crash into a hard chest. The person's arms went round my waist as he steadied me.

"Woah there, Bella." The familiar voice chuckled.

"Hey Danny, Sorry for that." I said as my cheeks heated up.

"It's okay, but tell me why did you look like you saw a free candy store when you walked out of the office. Generally, people look either ill or they look like they are shitting bricks."

"Gross, and I can finally drop Biology. That's why I was ecstatic." I replied, wrinkling my nose in disgust of his previous statement.

"You look cute like that." Jordan says off-handedly and I blush.

"So I don't look cute normally?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, usually you look beautiful but you look absolutely adorable when you wrinkle your nose." Jordan replied without missing a beat and I grew redder. I am pretty sure that I resembled a tomato more than a girl now.

"Will you be joining us for lunch, my lady?" He asked with and exaggerated British accent.

"I would be honoured, kind sir." I said in a perfect British accent. I love accents and practice them till I'm perfect. He looked at me surprised before we both started laughing. Then I remembered something.

"Crap, I can't join today. I just remembered I'm supposed to stick with my brothers. Also they have my lunch money." I said, regret in my tone.

"It's okay Bella. Maybe on Monday?" He said, the smile on his face never faltering.

"I'd love to." I said smiling at him.

We parted ways and I headed to the cafeteria. I walked in and went up to the table in the middle. Roman saw me and smiled while Alex was busy sucking faces with a fake boobs barbie sitting on his lap. Luca was talking to a guy who sat beside him. I smiled back at Roman and went to him.

"Izzy, come join us." He said, beaming at me. When he heard my name Alex drew back from the blonde bimbo on his lap and practically pushed her off. She huffed angrily at him and gave me a dirty look and strutted away.

"Hey Rome, Alex, Luke." I said as I sat down between the twins. Alex put his arm around me. I pushed his arm off and drew the spray sanitizer from my bag and sprayed it on him. He looked at me incredulously and Roman and Luca started laughing.

"What the hell was that?" Alex said with anger.

"Sanitizer. I don't want blonde bimbo disease from your clothes. So I sanitized them." Everybody at the table started laughing while Alex's lips twitched upwards.

"So, how was your day till now, sorella? Anything happen?" Luca asks with a small smile. Their friends looked at me curiously. There was one that had curly hair that was longer at the top and shorter at the sides and he had an impassive look on his face. The other guy was nerdy looking and looked at me with hostility.

I nodded. "I passed out of AP Biology and can now choose two electives instead of one." I said and shrugged.

Everyone's jaws dropped. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I said while drinking some water.

"Let me get this straight. You got enough marks to pass out of AP Biology and drop it?  Within a week?" The curly haired boy asked me. He was cute. Scratch that, he was hot. Definitely hotter than Jordan. Wait, why am I comparing him with Jordan?

"Yes..." I trailed off.

"I don't believe it." Another guy scoffed. He wore glasses and was hot but not my type.

I just shrugged and put the paper with 100% written in the top on the table. Their eyes bugged out while my brothers looked proud.

"This is amazing, bambina. How about we go for celebratory ice-cream later?" Rome said beaming at me.

I gave him a thumbs up and grinned back. The bell rang and the next two periods seemed to drag on. Finally it was the last period of the day. The elective period. I grabbed my stuff and went to the gym. Only boxing took place in this gym. The other sports used the bigger gym. I walked in and went up to the Coach. He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Cheerleading is taking place at the school gymnasium, little girl. This is the boxing gym." The coach said shaking his head.

"I know." I replied simply. "I wanted to try it out."

"This is not something that little girls like you can do." A guy said from behind me.

"I would still like to give it a try." I said firmly.

"Don't come crying to me after." The coach mumbled.

He blew his whistle and all the boys gathered in front of him. They looked at me curiously. I had changed into a pair of sweats and a tank top. I stood there impassively.

"The two newbies can fight against each other. Whoever wins will fight with one of you according to skill level." They nodded and my opponent and I headed to the ring.

The coach was the referee and my opponent was a lanky guy who had muscles but I could see that his non-dominant side was weak.

He came forward and tried to punch me. I ducked making him stumble and before he could recover I gave him a right hook followed by an uppercut. His head snapped up due to the punch and I stepped out of his reach. He tried to punch me again, this time with a right hook. I blocked and delivered accurate, powerful punches making him fall to the ground with what I'm sure will be quite a few bruises. The coach stood there stunned as I blew a piece of hair away from my face.

"You-him-I-what?" He said as he looked at me. I just shrugged. Honestly, the guy was weak. He had nothing on me. It was easy to beat him.

"Carlos, get in the ring! You against her." The coach screamed. A boy nodded and got into the ring. I thought about my choices. I had gone for fast and basic in the last round. I had to change my style. Carlos stood in front of me. I noticed that his left arm was weak, maybe due to an injury? I got into my stance and he started. He threw quick punches and I practically danced out of the way. I pretended to stumble and he seemed to grab the opportunity. He threw a hard punch at me. I dodged making him lose his balance. I gave him a swift right hook and an uppercut. I them threw a cross punch and a few straight jabs, not letting him recover at all. He fell to the ground and tapped out.

"I give up. Who are you, little girl? What's your name? You can join Boxing. In fact, here's your admittance letter." Coach said and I took the paper from his hands.

"My name is Isabella." I said before sitting down and pulling off the tape from my knuckles. I had still managed to hurt myself and the knuckles were scratched and bleeding. I was going to get hell from my brothers if they found out.

"Want some help with that?" A voice said. I looked up in panic and saw the curly-haired hot guy from lunch standing there.

"I'm Lorenzo." He introduced.

"I'm Isabella." I said.

He gently took my hand in his and I felt tingles shoot up my arm like some fictional character in every cliche romantic novel. He started cleaning the cuts while we sat silently.

"Thank you." I said quietly and he flashed me a beautiful smile.

"Qualsiasi cosa per una bella regazza come te. Anything for a beautiful girl like you." I blushed hard and he took my hand and lightly brushed his lips across my bruised knuckles.

He turned around to leave when I said something which had been irking me.

"You won't say anything to my brothers, right?" I said.

Enzo turned to me and raised his eyebrows."What's there to say?"

I smiled gratefully at him and waved to him before going to the locker room to change and then go home with my brothers.

Suddenly I was slammed into the lockers and a burst of pain went through my head.

Double update today! I'm really having fun with this story. Sorry for the cliffy. Have some M&Ms and keep yourself safe. Comment and tell me your views.

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