Chapter 26: Roger That, Captain

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The next couple of weeks passed by without incident. That is if you don't count the 'time of the month' pandemonium as an incident.

I was out of the bed in seconds and into the bathroom. I looked down and saw the red stain and groaned. I cleaned myself up and rooted through my suitcase which had a few odds and ends stashed in it. I pulled out the packet of pads and realised that I had only two left. I groaned again. I had a heavy flow and two pads was not even going to get me through the day. I put on the pads and then pulled on the comfiest hoodie I had (which was Luca's) and a pair of sweats. I went downstairs. Thankfully I don't get cramps. My mood swings are horrible though. I trudged downstairs and found all my brothers in the kitchen. Great.

"I need someone to take me to the store." I said as I sat down beside Roman.

"Why?" Elijah asked.

"I need pads and tampons. I got my period." Roman choked on his pancakes while Alex and Luca did a spit take. Thankfully no one was there in the way.

"Oh my god, you are acting like kids. It's a part of life that every girl goes through. It is the reason you are even alive. So stop acting like it's some disgusting thing. Respect women and their life cycles. What will you do when you find someone you love and she goes through the same thing? Or when your daughter goes through the same thing? Grow up and act your age. Stop being so immature." I said, mentally patting myself on the back.

"She's right. You need to learn that it's a normal life process. For that, you three can go and get her whatever she needs during this time." Victor said with a grave tone. They started whining but shut up when Victor threw them a scathing look. Suffice to say, the next week was amazing. They constantly ran out to buy things for me and made sure I was comfortable. I was proud of them.

Now it was almost Christmas time. Today was the last day of school and the day could not go any slower. Jordan and I had stopped talking along with Jasmine and her crew. Nate, Jason and Drake were my best friends and we did everything together. We even went cliff diving. Victor chewed me out later but it was worth it. I got my phone and laptop taken away for a week but it's not like I used it that much anyway. I read a lot and their library is big enough to last me years.

The final bell rang and I changed out of my gym clothes after taking a shower. I went to the car and waited for my brothers. Luca was ill and had stayed home. Alex and Roman were supposed to reach before me but I didn't see them. I waited for half an hour during which time I had called them both at least 25 times. Each. I finally started to panic and called Victor.

"What is it, Isabella?" Victor asked as he picked up.

"The twins are missing." I said, my voice panicked.

"Shit!" I heard muttered curses and then Victor came back to the phone. "One of your cousins will pick you up. Get home as soon as you can."

"Okay." I said. The one day I don't bring my laptop. That day something happens.

After about 15 minutes, a car pulled into the parking lot. I ran to it and got into the car and before I had even gotten in completely, the car had pulled out. Armani glanced at me and then continued driving, going way over the speed limit. But I didn't mind. I needed to get home.

"Go to your room." was the only thing I heard when I entered the house. I didn't bother answering. I hacked into the cameras in the living room and tuned into their conversation.

"No, their phone can't be tracked."

"It's of no use tracking the phone. It was found in their locker."

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