Extra Chapter 15

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Part 2

The boys freaked out.

They were so stunned that they froze for a moment before utter pandemonium broke out. Luca threw the lizard away and it scampered of into the unknown. Victor was the first to react and picked up her body and ran inside followed by the rest of them. They laid her down in her bed and the family doctor was called. Within 30 minutes, the complete examination was done and the reason for fainting was determined as fear.

Suffice to say that as soon as this was revealed, Luca started backing away from the others who fixed him with a murderous stare. That was his cue to run. And boy did he run. He ran like one possessed, through the hallways and out of the house. The rest of them gave chase, yelling pretty impressive threats at him for hurting their bambina.

"Get back here, you son of a cockroach! I'm going to beat you to death with that spoon, you hear me!"

"Luca, I'm going to kill you, you bloody moron! I'll shove my shoe down your throat and rip out your intestines and choke you with it till you pass out. When you wake up, you will be strapped to a metal bed and I will cut off each of your limbs before cutting of your throat because I need my shoe as I have an important meeting!"

"You better hope that we never catch you, you twatwaffle! I'll grate you like cheese and then draw on what's left with a sharpie!"

"You git! You actually made her faint with that stunt of yours! What I'm going to do with you will make Hitler scream like a little girl!"

And many such creative, creative threats were hurled at the poor boy and he was chased for a solid 30 minutes until he ran into the kitchen, screaming like a banshee and managed to knock over a glass that fell down and shattered, but in the commotion, he didn't even register the shards cutting up his leg and dodged the others before finally doing what he should have originally. He ran up into Izzy's room and slid into the bed beside her, pulling her to him causing her to wake up groggily. The others barged inside the room holding a variety of kitchen implements as they glared down at Luca while the girl in the bed looked on in confusion and amusement as her brother used her as a human shield.

The events from before came crashing down on her and she slapped the sheepish fool upside the head and then proceeded to chew him out.

It was then that her eyes fell on his legs which were on the bed and she stopped in horror at the blood that was running down it. The others followed her gaze and the next five minutes were spent cursing and and running around like headless chickens while Elijah cooed over Luca who struggled in his hug and Izzy who looked on in amusement. 

"Stop!" Came the authoritative voice from the bed and all of them froze. The girl rubbed her forehead in frustration before taking a deep breath.

"Roman, go get towels and some warm water. Alex, get the First Aid Kit from the downstairs bathroom. Victor, get me the tweezers from my bathroom. It should be in the first drawer in the bathroom counter." She instructed and all of them shot off to do what they were told.

20 minutes of curses, shouting and chewing out later, they were all sitting outside again, enjoying an early dinner on the back porch. Until she spotted the stupid son of a cockroach that caused the whole ordeal and the whole process repeated again. 

It's safe to say that they never ate food outside ever again.

Hehehe. My god I loved writing this. 

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