Chapter 11: Music is Personal to Me

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The woman stood over me, her eyes and posture betraying the anger and rage she felt as she towered over the girl who shivered in the corner. I felt the fear pulsing through my veins as I cowered in the corner.

"Bitch, you think you can talk to me like that? You are nothing. You're just a whore. Look at how fat you are. But you like it, don't you? You like the fact that workers look at you and perv on you with their eyes. You're just a slut."

I covered my ears with my hands to block out the painful words. The woman reached forward and started slapping me, the nails scratching my hands that were trying to protect my face.

The woman drew back and looked down at me with disgust apparent in her face.

"You're the reason I gave up everything. I gave up e erything because you were born. You are the reason I'm in such a pathetic situation, bitch."

My hands slipped into my lap and I dug the nails of my right hand into my left forearm. Hard enough to cause blood to ooze out.

The woman hardly noticed. She looked at me with barely concealed contempt on her face. She leaned down and in a sudden move of defiance, I looked into her eyes instead of looking away or down. The woman looked at me and then slapped me hard. Then she grabbed my shoulders and started to shake them.


I refused to look up.

"She's hurting herself."

"Would you stop shaking her!"

The woman looked down at me breathing hard. Then she raised her hand to hit me. And I finally spoke.

"Stop it, mama. Please, stop it" I whimpered.

"Isabella? Please wake up, tesoro. It's okay. It's just a nightmare." That was not her mother's voice.

"No, please don't hurt me. Please." I whimpered.

"Isabella, it's just a dream. Snap out of it." Said a voice full of authority. Victor.

My eyes snapped open. Elijah was holding down my right hand and Luca was holding down my left hand. Alex was sitting on my legs and Roman was standing at the foot of the bed. Victor was sitting in front of me and his hands were on my shoulders.

"Could you get off my legs? I might need them." I said trying to shrug it off and change the topic. Everyone just gave me an 'are you serious?' look but Alex got off while rolling his eyes.

"What the hell was that?" Luca was the first to break the silence. Shit.

"I would like to know that too." Victor said in a calm voice as his eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

"I-It's nothing" I said, cringing as my voice broke.

"For god's sake, it wasn't nothing." Alex was the next one to explode.

I flinched at his loud tone, the screaming from the nightmare still echoing in my mind. Victor noticed it.

"Everybody out." Victor said in a deadly voice, still staring at me. When no one complied he turned towards them and one by one everyone trickled out.

"Now, neonata, you will tell me what is going on."

"That was a memory. An old one but still a memory. My mother was one of the best mothers in the world but she had two flaws. One, when she was angry, she would say whatever came to her mind. Two, she was controlling, too controlling. And I'm not the kind of person who would buckle under authority. We had an on/off fight all the time. I loved her but I also hated her." I looked ruefully at the nail marks on my skin. The old scars that were littered on my left arm had almost faded and the new, recently given ones stood out.

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