Chapter 38: Well...

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"So tell me what is going on with you and my brother?" I asked with a smirk.

"What d-do you mean? There is nothing going on between us." She said and I gave her a deadpan look.

"Look. He was my first everything. My first friend. My first best friend. My first crush. My first kiss. My first time. But he never saw me that way. After we kissed, he ignored me for a week. After my first time, he ghosted me for a couple of months. I got the message. But that doesn't mean that I stopped caring for him. We had been best friends for 11 years and nothing could take away that bond." She said, her voice soft as she stared out of the window.

"My brother is an idiot." I replied matter-of-factly and pulled her into a hug.

"But why haven't I seen you for the last 4 months?" I asked as I pulled back and frowned.

"I had gone to Italy to stay with my dad after Luke ghosted me. He just recently started talking to me. After you left on your killing spree." She replies giving me a wan smile.

"Come on. Let's get ready. The boys must be dying of curiousity. We'll have to explain everything." I said with a smirk. She gave me a small one back. I grabbed an outfit and turned to see her still sitting on my bed.

"Remember, my closet's open to you." I reminded her and then went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put on a pair of sweats and a full sleeved sweater.

I went out and Elena went in and I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my Instagram feed. She came out a few minutes later wearing a cute sweater with sweatpants. I gave her a smile and stood up and popped out my elbow.

"Shall we?" I asked in an accent.

"We shall." She replied, linking her hand with mine and we headed downstairs.

We entered the kitchen and all the boys took one look at us and groaned in unison.

"There's two of them now. As if one wasn't enough." Alex muttered and the Roman gave an agreeing sound. Elena and I scoffed together.

"You're just jealous you aren't us." We replied in unison and smirked identically. They looked at us in shock as we laughed and went to the living room.

"21 questions?" Elena asked me and I smiled.

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

"Favourite colour?" She asked.

"Blue or Green. You?"

"Anything that's not pink or bright." She replied shuddering in revulsion.

We went back and forth like this and I realised we were basically the same person. She was my sister from another mister. While we were doing this the boys had migrated to the living room and were looking at us in amusement. Enzo sat on my other side and Luca sat on Elena's other side making her stiffen slightly. I gave her a small pitying smile which she flicked my forehead for and I huffed in annoyance.

"So?" Victor asked and I gave him an innocent look.

"So?" I replied with a innocent, angel-like smile and he gave me an amused smile.

"Tell us what happened. The whole story." He rephrased firmly and I sighed and nodded.

"The day I ran, I stayed at a hotel. I had all of my mother's credit cards and then I tracked down every person who has tried to kill us over the years. It was a long list. I was surprised to say the least. When people realised that I was killing off all the assassins, they started panicking. I was constantly on the move to avoid getting killed. I stayed in trashy motels and lived off of one meal a day and moved through the list, killing the guilty and sparing the innocent. I had just finished off the men that shot Nate when Elena found me, something I still don't understand how she did. I saw the torture videos pulled from the security tapes and had to come back. I was almost done anyway. I just had to kill the ringleader who I couldn't find but I had a new lead that I was going to follow. Then I came back with Elena and we formed an attack plan and well, here we are." I finished with a shrug.

"Never do that again? Do you understand me?" Victor said as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I nodded against his chest as I was encircled by the familiar feel of my eldest brother's arms. One by one the rest of them joined. Soon I was trapped in the middle of a group hug and I am pretty sure they crushed my windpipe. They drew back and I gasped for air, getting as much air as possible in my lungs. I added a dramatic gasp or two making everyone to chuckle. I went back to my seat but Enzo pulled me down on his lap. I squeaked in surprise but settled myself against him much to my brothers' displeasure. I leaned against his chest as we turned to Elena for her explanation. She took a deep breath as she shifted slightly in her seat, edging slightly away from Luca and I saw a flash of hurt go through his eyes before he masked it.

"You remember how you asked me to retrieve the family heirloom from your family vault because there was a chance you might not be able to due to work reasons? Well, when I got home I got an idea. I needed a tester for the newest tracker I had developed. So I implanted the chip in the tag that was attached to the clasp. It was practically invisible. Luca and I were texting and he told me the day you were going to raid the Spanish Mafia's headquarters about her disappearing and I immediately started tracking her location. It took some time since I was halfway around the world but I found her location. I tried contacting Luca but he wasn't picking up. Within the hour I was on a plane, heading back here. I hacked into the security cameras and pulled the the videos. By the time I landed in the US, I had formed a plan and 2 backup plans as well." She finished. Everyone was looking at her with much less surprise than I had imagined. Then I remembered that she had been here for years and they probably knew that she could do all that. While she had been narrating the events, she had steadily kept her gaze trained on everything but Luca.

Now I looked at Victor and asked the question I had been dreading.

"What happened to Nate?" I asked and everyone except Elena stiffened.


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