Chapter 24: FML

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When I woke up the next day, the events of the night before came crashing down. I smiled involuntarily when I remembered Enzo. I then felt guilty for telling my brothers to beg for forgiveness. It was a Saturday and I knew everybody would be home. So I decided to go down and tell them I forgive them. I took a shower and changed into one of Elijah's hoodies I had stolen and gym shorts. Suddenly, my door flew open making me jump three feet into the air in shock. Elijah barged in and looked at me wide eyed.

"There's something seriously wrong with the boys. Come on." He said in a panicked voice. I hurried after him as he practically ran down the stairs. We entered the living room and I saw all the boys on their knees. All 10 who ignored me. There were tears in their eyes.

They said in a chorus as though rehearsed, "We're so sorry. Please forgive us."

I felt a wave of anger and shock wash over me as tears sprung into my eyes.

"You imbeciles! You were not really supposed to beg. I had already forgiven you. I was going to tell you that today." I said as I broke down. Tears ran down my face as I looked all of them. The older ones looked on in shock and bewilderment. The younger ones came forward and hugged me. We were a huge mess of tears and whispered apologies. Soon we calmed down and looked at the oldies who were looking concerned at at our states.

"Is someone going to tell us what is going on?" Victor said as he looked expectantly as us.

I cut off Luca who had opened his mouth to tell him why we were crying, "We were just reenacting a scene from a book." I loved them all too much to get them in trouble.

"Okay then." Victor said though he doesn't sound as if he believed me."Isabella, you have the follow up doctor's visit today at 2:00. Elijah is going to take you." I nodded.

"I forgot to ask you before. What happened at the competitions?" Victor asked and my eyes widened.

The younger ones looked confused. "What competitions?" Giovanni asked frowning.

"She didn't tell you? She had a Boxing and a Singing competition a couple of days ago. I offered for us to go to them but she refused." Victor said puzzled.

"She takes Boxing?!" Luca asked stunned.

"Okay, what is going on with you? You don't seem to know anything about your sister." Rocco says crossing his arms.

"Nothing. Nothing happened. I just didn't tell them. Anyway, I actually forgot about the competitions. I'll be back." I said as I left my clueless siblings downstairs. I headed up to my room and retrieved the small bag in which I had stashed my trophies and prize money and headed back downstairs. I flopped onto Matteo, who caught me and pulled me onto his lap, chuckling. I tossed the bag to Elijah who caught it expertly and rose an eyebrow at me. Elijah opened the bag and stared. The others looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"You came first? In both of them?" Elijah asked, shocked. Everybody's eyes snapped to me. I shrank back and nodded.

"And you forgot about this?" Alessi asked, stunned. I nodded again.

Elijah handed the envelopes with the cash prize to Victor who slit them open neatly. His eyes widened slightly at it and now the curiosity was eating away at me. How much was it?

"Together it is $25,000." He said and my jaw dropped. That was a hell of a lot more than I thought it would be.

Victor looked at me and smiled at my amazed expression. The others looked at me in awe and pride.

The older ones got up. "We'll go out to eat to celebrate your win after your doctor's appointment. Now, what would you like to do with the money?" Elijah asked smiling at me.

"I'd like to invest half and donate the other half to a charity." I said not even thinking about my answer. They looked at me surprised and proud. Then they all smiled.

"You are much too sweet for your own good. The boys would have bought some ridiculously expensive thing they didn't need but you decided to do something productive with it. We're so proud of you, tesoro." Matteo said. There was a chorus of "Hey!"s from the guys as I blushed beet red. Safe to say, I don't handle compliments well. The elders got up and went to work. The younger kids decided to have a movie marathon.



"Are you mental? Delena forever."

"Oh my god, you are acting like kids. The best ship is obviously Klaroline." I scoffed.

They all nodded. We had decided to binge watch The Vampire Diaries if anyone didn't get that.

Elijah came in then. "Get ready, sorella. We're going to the doctor's." I nodded and leapt up. I changed into one of my own black hoodies and a pair of denim shorts. I put on my combat boots and went downstairs again. We drove to the doctor's and did all the formalities.

"Stand against the wall with your feet together. She's 5'10" in height." The nurse said and wrote it down.

"Now step onto this." She said pointing to the weighing machine and my breath hitched. I had forgotten about this part. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the machine.

"95 pounds? She's severely underweight. Much less than she was two weeks ago. " The nurse says, flabbergasted.

"She's underweight?" Elijah asked and I could see the fury building underneath the calm demeanor.

"Yes, the other tests are normal and her blood haemoglobin has risen nicely. Only her being underweight is a problem." She replies.

I tensed under Elijah's furious gaze as he talked with the nurse. We went outside and got into the car. Elijah was quiet but he kept throwing me furious looks.

We reached home and Elijah and I got out of the car. I followed him inside. Elijah stormed away to the forbidden part of the house while I sat in the living room, twidling my thumbs. The younger guys wandered into the living room.

"Ooh, Elijah is pissed. What did you do, little sis?" Leonardo said as he flopped onto the couch beside me. I paled.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't look well." Roman said, worried as he crouched in front of me.

"I'm fine." I said, my voice faint.

"Isabella Marie Cattaneo!" Came the booming voice from the door.

Fuck my life.

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