Extra Chapter 10

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Roman was still sitting in the same spot he had been sitting in before. He couldn't move as he stared unseeingly at the letter in his hands. His little sister was gone. She was gone.

A tear slid down his cheek and fell onto the piece of paper. Why must everyone he ever cared for in his life always leave? First it was her and now Izzy. Sure, she promised to come back but she couldn't guarantee that, could she? Why was he always left alone?

He reread the letter, still not believing that she was actually gone. He hoped that this was some cruel joke and that she was there to surprise them as soon as they came downstairs. That would be a better alternative than to think that she was gone. Less painful.

He got up like a zombie slouching into his room as he collapsed onto the bed. He stared at the ceiling as all his memories with that vile, gold-digging girl ran through his mind, tears running down his cheeks. His sister's words echoed through his head then.

Don't let her see you hurting, Rome.

He wiped away his tears. She was right. Why should he cry over that miserable excuse for a human? That stupid girl would not be the reason he cried. Not one more tear would be shed over her. She was nothing.

It was with renewed enthusiasm that Roman snatched up his phone and did the one thing he should have done a long time ago.

He blocked her from every channel.

Then he got up and went to his eldest brother's office. He would help in finding his sister even if it was the last thing he did. 

Hem hem.

Roman, ladies and gentleman. Give him a round of applause. For all of you heartbroken souls out there. Those idiots are not worth it. They are never going to be worth it. Remember that and move on in life.

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