Chapter 16: Thank you

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"Look who we have here." A voice leered. Somebody was holing my hands stationary at my side and the pain in my head was worsening. I felt something warm trickle down my neck.

"It's that little puta that the Cattaneo's are having fun with." Another voice said.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing. They do it anyway."

"Stop! Please stop!" I said as tears fell from my eyes. I was lightheaded and losing blood. I wasn't able to hold myself up because of my light-headedness and I was pleading with them to stop. The leader grabbed the back of my neck and tried to kiss me. I turned my head making him grab my chin and force it forward. He kissed me and my heart sank. He took my first kiss. I started struggling harder. Suddenly, the pressure on my arms was gone and the guy was ripped off of me. I saw Enzo standing there, punching the crap out of the guy. I stumbled forward and grabbed his upper arm to make him stop. He would kill the guy if I didn't stop him.

Enzo looked up furiously, but his face softened when he saw me. He got off the guy and gathered me into his arms, hugging me to his chest. I started sobbing and collapsed against him and he quickly picked me up bridal style and I entwined my arms around his neck. I buried my face in his neck and continued crying. I could still feel the assholes hands on me, his lips on mine. I'm so glad Enzo got there in time.

Enzo was walking while muttering under his breath about how he was going to kill those assholes.

"What the-"

"What did you do to her?"

"I swear to god if you did something to my sorellina I will kill you."

Enzo ignored them and he sat me down in the back seat of the car. The tears fell fast and hard. Enzo crouched down in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. He wiped away my tears and I looked into his blue-green eyes and felt a sense of peace. My crying stopped and I saw my brothers gathered around him and me, their eyes worried. Alex got into the driver's seat and Luca sat in the shotgun. Roman sat on my right and I scooted in and Enzo got in on my left. I felt everybody's worried and angry gaze on me as I did everything to ignore the pain in my head and the events of school. I was getting over the shock and pain. I was grateful that nothing more had happened and I had only Enzo to thank for that.

I looked at him and he took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine, away from the eyes of my brothers. We reached home and we got out of the car. I took one step and immediately stumbled. Enzo caught me and hoisted me up into his arms again. I made a weak sound of protest and he gave me a 'you're not getting your way ' look. I saw my brothers shooting me a worried look and shooting Enzo a glare which he once again ignored as he carried me inside. When we went in, Enzo walked past everything and reached the living room where he laid me down gently

I grabbed his hand as he was walking away and he looked down at me, his gaze soft. I raised myself up slightly and he pushed me down.

"Thank you, Enzo." I said as sincerely as I could.

He gave me a dimpled smile and said," It was my duty, princess."

"Can you stay? I don't think I can face it alone. I can't think about that again." I said softly and he nodded at my request, his face soft unlike his usual resting bitch face or angry demeanor.

"Call your brothers, Roman. Tell them it's an emergency." Enzo instructed and Roman got up to make the call.

"Get an icepack and a first aid kit, Xander. Luca get some water and some nuts or fruits." They both rushed off and I sat up on the couch despite Enzo's protests. I gave him a small smile as the day's workout and emotional drain caught up with me.

"What's going on? Bambina, are you okay?"

"What's wrong, tesoro? Lorenzo, what did you do to her?"

"He did nothing, fratelli. Please sit down." I said my head pounding. The other boys came back. Lorenzo handed me the water and nuts and instructed me to get my energy up. I mock saluted him as he and the others chuckled. Then he turns my head to the side and starts to work on cleaning the wound with a soft wet rag. My brothers hiss when they see the blood covered rag in his hand. He proceeded to clean it out and then he started stitching the wound up. I needed three stitches.

I sat back when it was done and we started explaining. I started from the time during which I was walking down the hallway. I intertwined my hand with Enzo's and every time my voice broke, he rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. When I couldn't say anything else, Enzo continued and I just swallowed all the tears. I shouldn't cry over such trivial matters. I looked down at our entwined hands in my lap and traced the veins and the curls of the ink on the inside of his hand. There was a loud bang and I looked at Alex and Luca's retreating form as they were going to kill those boys. My body reacted on its own as I ran in front of them and shook my head. They glared at me but I didn't back down.

"Get out of the way, tesoro. I have some stronzi to kill." Luca growled.

"No! No one is getting hurt because of me. I will deal with them on Monday. You can come with me then. You will not touch him today, fratello. Promise me."

"No. I need to find that son of a bitch and kill him." Alex growled.

"Please, stop. Enzo was there in time to pull them off. Nothing happened. I'll deal with them. Please, they are already beaten so badly that I'll be surprised if they can walk." I pleaded with them. They looked at me and their eyes softened. They pulled me into a hug and I hugged them back tightly. We went back to the living room. Victor and Elijah had an important meeting and an important shipment that they had to oversee. We decided to watch a movie and the boys chose Avengers. I sat down between Roman and Enzo. 20 minutes into the movie and my eyes were closing. The physical and emotional exertion caused my eyes to close as my head fell onto someone's shoulder and they stiffened before putting their arm around me. I snuggled into his side and fell into a deeper sleep.

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P.S. I like M&Ms a lot more than Skittles.

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