Chapter 13: Favourite Brothers

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I sat in the car beside Roman, who kept glancing at me while he drove. I scrolled through my Instagram and replied to some messages that my friends had sent. We pulled into the garage of the house and I got out along with Roman. We walked into the house and were joined by Alex and Luca. We sat down in the kitchen and waited.

Victor and Elijah came in. Both were dressed sharply in suits and their appearance was immaculate. They sat down in front of me and I finally started fidgeting. Now, I was nervous and terrified. What if they chastised me for shooting that guy?! Maybe I shouldn't have acted on instinct. My gaze was permanently trained on the floor as I twisted and untwisted my fingers.

Roman, Alex and Luca explained the whole situation in Italian. They were speaking so rapidly that I didn't catch half of it. I understood a few words here and there but I could gather the gist of the story.

When they finished, all of them turned to me. I bit my lip and finally gathered enough courage to look up. My eyes found Victor's identical ones.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked. My voice was small, too faint for most to notice. Victor analyzed my face and shook his head. Relief flooded through me and I flew from my seat and attached myself to him like a koala bear. He chuckled but then turned serious.

"You have to answer some questions, bambina. " He said sternly as he carried me to the couch and sat me down on his lap. I nodded and he started rapid firing questions about everything. I told him as much as I remembered but it was so quick that I was not able to fully comprehend anything. He nodded and asked me the final question.

"Where did you learn how to shoot, tesoro?" He asked and I knew he finally had the attention of all the others.

"Not an interesting story, really. I told my dad once that I wanted to learn how to shoot and he enrolled me in classes. I didn't attend for long, only 4-5 months but I was there enough to learn the essentials." I said. I wasn't lying, my dad had actually done that and was one of the coolest dads in the whole world.

"Okay, bambina, you can go up to your room. I need to talk to the others.."

"So you are not going to tell me what the hell is going on? Even after that?" I said, anger rising through me like a tidal wave.

"Not today, neonata. Maybe another day. When you are older." Victor replied.

"I'm 15, almost 16, I shot a guy in the leg because he fired at us and you are telling me that you will tell me when I'm older?" Frustration laced my voice as I stood up abruptly and went to my room. I removed the boots and ran up the stairs and slammed the door to my room. I sat down at my desk to make it seem like I was doing homework and then opened my laptop. My fingers flew across the keyboard as I hacked into the security cameras. I made sure that no one was coming near my room and then went onto the dark web. I started intercepting coded instructions that were issued from various sources, but one caught my eye. One that was sent from the computers of the Italian Mafia. My blood ran cold. Mafia. That was it. The Italian mafia. It explained everything. The secrets, the guns, the protection round the clock, the cautious attitude. Everything was explained with that single word. I closed my laptop, my mind whirling to digest this newfound information. I felt sick so I turned of my laptop and crawled into bed and soon fell asleep.

I woke up and started contemplating while staring at the ceiling. Was I scared? Yes. Was I scared of my brothers? Not really. After living with them I found them to be big marshmallows. The message spun through my mind. My brothers were definitely in the mafia. It was the only rational explanation.

I thought about my brothers. Victor who was emotionless in front of others, Luca and Alex who could fight so well, Roman who turned murderous when family was threatened and Elijah who could go from angel to devil in seconds. Yeah, they would definitely fit in.

There was a knock on my door and Roman burst in.

"Please come in. It's not like you have to wait for me to say 'enter' or 'come in'." I said sarcastically as I sat up.

"Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" Rome said, completely ignoring my words.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. I hadn't sung in front of him, had I?

"I mean this." He said as he showed me a video on his phone. It was a video of me singing in the music room today. My eyes widened as my voice flowed through the speakers. I cringed at a few parts. I really should stop singing. I wasn't really good at it.

"You didn't tell me you could sing so well. I thought we had something special." He continued, tears in his eyes. I came forward and hugged him. He sniffled as he hugged me back.

"We do have something special, Rome. Don't tell the others but you are my favourite brother." I said and gave him a wink. He beamed at me and then suddenly sprang up.

"We have to go for dinner. Come on." He said and ran out of the room. I laughed and followed him.

"Suck it, losers. I'm her favourite brother." He screamed as he entered. There was an eruption of protests as everybody spoke over each other. Victor looked at me in amusement.

'You are my favourite, don't worry.' I mouthed to him.

He smirked and beckoned to me. I went and sat in his lap, hugging him and hanging onto him like a baby koala. He chuckled.

"I think we all can agree that I'm her favourite." Victor says and everyone looks up to see us cuddling, me sitting on Vic's lap.

They all pouted but Elijah clicked a photo so fast that nobody could stop him until it was too late. Not like anybody would have.

"I want to show you something. Listen to this." Roman said and before I could stop him, he played THE video.

I sat there, in Victor's lap, fiddling with my ring as I heard my voice flow through the speakers again. The table was completely silent and you could probably hear a pin drop.

"Not that that wasn't beautiful but why did you play that?" Elijah said when the song ended.

"You don't recognise the artist?" Rome said with a mischievous smile. I shook my head subtly and his grin widened when he saw me.

"Welp, I'm going to go sit there. Beside Rome. For no reason at all." I said as I got up from Vic's lap and hurried to my spot beside Rome. When I sat down, I subtly pinched him. Hard.

"Ouch, what was that for?" Rome whined as he rubbed his arm and glared at me.

"You know why." I replied while the others looked on in amusement.

"Roman, who is the artist?" Elijah asked trying to change the topic. I glared at Rome, daring him to say anything.

"Why, it's our darling sorella!" Roman said, sending me a devilish look. I grimaced as everyone looked at me.

"Bambina, Is he telling the truth?" Elijah asked.

"Maybe.." I said and they chuckled.

"Shall we eat?" Victor says finally, sensing that I do not want to talk about it.

Everybody dug in and I could not help but feel happy. When I went up to bed, I had a smile on my face. I felt into a blissful sleep as I thought about my family. La mia famiglia. Who I love no matter who they are or what they do.

Oh my god! I was sure I had posted this chapter! But my app is behaving weirdly and half the time the posted chapter doesn't appear. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I love you guys who are giving this story a chance. 🥰 Hopefully it gets posted.

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