Chapter 6: First Day of Hell

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I woke up when I felt myself being moved. I opened my eyes to see Elijah carrying me.
"Go back to sleep, sorella." He said with a smile. I went back to sleep and then woke up only when my alarm started ringing insistently. I turned it off and grabbed my outfit for the day. I looked at myself in my mirror. Cute outfits that brothers won't make me change? Check. Well hopefully anyway.

I put my hair up in a high ponytail and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I found my brothers all sitting at the table. Well only Victor and Elijah were really awake. The rest of them were asleep with their heads on their arms. I yawned and reached for the coffee. I put in some milk and some sugar and downed it like my existence depended on it. Well it did because I did not want to be sleep deprived when I reached school. Victor looked at me and smiled.

"Excited for your first day, Bambina?" He asked me.

I nodded and replied," Of course, I actually love school." Everybody was awake then.

"Did you say that you actually like school, tesoro?" Elijah asked and the others looked at me incredulously. I nodded and gave them a smirk. They groaned and looked at each other.

Elijah looked at the others and launched into a lecture about how the others should be more like me and should enjoy going to school and studying. I gave them an amused smirk as they shot me small glares. I then looked at my watch.

"If we don't leave now we'll never reach in time." I stated as I grabbed a piece of buttered toast while holding my heavy bag in my uninjured hand. The pain was now a very dull throb and my hand was the reason I would not be writing much today and would be recording it. At least, according to Victor I was going to do that.

I walked to the garage with the others and today we chose a sleek black Range Rover. I slid into the backseat while Luca was driving and Alex was in the passenger seat and Roman was with me in the back. While we were driving to school, Roman explained to me how the school asks you to choose one extra class that was a hobby class. They offered clubs like art, music, band, chess, dance - contemporary, classical, basketball and others. The school gives you a week to decide the club you wanted to join. Though it was interesting, I did not know how I was going to choose. I loved drawing and singing but I did not want to do them all the time. Roman saw my confusion and said, "Don't worry. They give you a list of activities to choose from and you can take a test run of any of them."

I smiled gratefully at him as we pulled into the parking lot in school. I noticed everyone staring at the car and I wanted to shrink back into the seat but decided against it and instead I opened the door at the same time as the others making it seem like a rehearsed move or a scene from a movie. We got out at the same time and closed the door in perfect harmony. We walked to the front of the car and the boys flanked me on either side with Roman and me in the middle and Alex to my left and Luca to Roman's right. We walked towards the school and I felt everyone stare at me with many emotions-envy, awe, fear -and I felt really uncomfortable. Roman walked me to the office while the others went off to wherever they were going. He apologized for ditching me but he had to meet with the football coach and I just waved him off saying that I would find him if I needed him. He gave me a quick hug  and then walked off down the corridor.

I took a deep breath and walked into the office making a beeline for the receptionist. She looked up when I cleared my throat. She looked me up and down and then smirked.

"Are you lost, dear? The public school is on the other side of town." She said.

I raised my eyebrow, and replied sweetly, " No, I'm here for my schedule. I'm a new student. My name is Isabella."

"Hmmm." She said and I tried not to punch her. " What is your last name? I don't seem to have caught it."

"It's Cattaneo. Isabella Cattaneo." I said clearly. Her eyes widened and she looked terrified.

"Here's your schedule, Ms. Cattaneo. Please excuse my manners I did not know it was you." She stammered out and I gave her an amused look and turned on my heel and walked out. I found my locker and after dumping everything I did not need in the locker and set off to find my class as the final bell rang.

I found my first class for the day fairly easily. It was mathematics. It had always been my favourite class till this year that is my junior year. The teacher was a weedy looking guy who seemed to be teaching quadratic equations which I had already learnt. I sat down on my seat after politely excusing my late arrival. He gave me an approving look and I grinned mentally. Honestly I was a teacher's pet. Always had been, always will be. When I sat down the girl to my right gave me a smile and introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Jasmine. I have a feeling we will be best friends." She said confidently. I gave her a grin and introduced myself.

"Hello, I'm Isabella and I'm sure we will be." She grinned at me and I inwardly laughed that I had made an actual friend in first period. Usually it took a few day at least for me to overcome my shyness. Cons of being an introvert. Well, I had been an introvert but my friends back home had pulled me out of that shell after a couple of years. I tuned back into the lesson and found that I could not concentrate on it. Honestly, Mr.Morrison was boring. He could not keep anybody's attention. But I still took down notes. When it felt like the class had been going on for an eternity, the bell rang. Jasmine and I sprang up almost in sync and she looped her hand through mine and started pulling me out of the classroom. She pulled me past a group of football players who felt that they had to wear their jackets all day, who started catcalling and wolf-whistling at us. We both ignored them identical looks of disgust on our face. We looked at each other and grinned.

Jasmine then dragged me to a small group of teens standing a little farther in front of the 'Jocks'. It consisted of a pair of identical twins, another girl, and another boy. They looked up when we reached them and all of them gave me a grin which i could not help but return. They introduced themselves as Oliver and Chase (the twins), Lillian (the girl) and Thomas (the other boy).

I smiled and introduced myself," My name is Isabella." They nodded and started talking about how horrible a Ms.Matthews was. Suddenly the bell rang and we looked at each other with sheepish grins and Thomas and I took off down the hall to English and reached there just as the bell rang. We collapsed into the chairs and the teacher started teaching. I realised that the level we had been taught at back home was much higher than the normal junior year classes. Suffice to say that the day dragged on. After another 3 hours of pure torture, the bell rang signalling that it was lunch time. I went to the cafeteria with my new friends and was met with most cliche site ever. There was a big table in the centre in which the 'Jocks' and the 'Cheerleaders' *cough*including Bitchzilla*cough* and the rest of the people were sitting around them. I made a face when a few of the players winked at me. I couldn't see any of my brothers except Luca who I had only glimpsed for a second because he was hidden by a few players who were standing in front of him.

We sat down on one of the tables farthest away from the 'Popular' table and I tuned into the conversation Chase and Oliver were having. Big mistake.

"I mean, she was not even good at it. It was just really, really horrible. I would think that she would be amazing considering the number of guys she's done-"

"Oh my god! My poor virgin ears. Why would you talk about that when we are about to eat? Oh god." I exclaimed and all of them looked at me in amusement.

"Wait, you are a virgin?" Oliver asked me.

I nodded and he looked at me incredulously.

"No way."

"I think she would know." Jasmine defended me and I nodded.

"But she's gorgeous. Why hasn't she done it yet?" Chase asked.

"Look, do you ever talk about something else? Secondly, I haven't even had a boyfriend and if my brothers have their way I'm not going to have one till I'm 30." I replied.

Before I had even stopped talking, an annoying voice piped up from behind me. One I hoped would stay away but apparently the universe hates me.

Hello Readers! Please help me out and comment on how you are liking the chapters. Please. I would love to hear from you.

Stay safe everyone and have lots of M&Ms.

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