Chapter 8: I Love You All...

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"Just homework." I replied, the lie rolling off my tongue easily. Over the years I had learnt how to lie smoothly such that nobody could figure out that I was lying.

Elijah nodded and joined me at the edge of the bed.

"So did you choose your club yet?" Elijah asked.

I shook my head and answered, "No, but the Art club gave me a confirmation slip."

"You got a confirmation slip but you are not going to join it?" Elijah asks incredulously.

I just shrugged and gave him a smile," It's just that art is something that is personal to me. I don't really want to share it with everyone."

Elijah nodded and then stood up, offering a hand to me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. I grabbed the confirmation slip that I had tossed with the drawing and my bag. I followed Elijah to the kitchen. I put the slip on the counter so that I could give it to Victor for safe keeping in case I didn't find anything else to join. I went inside the kitchen and I grabbed the apron that Elijah was going to wear and tied it around my waist, ignoring his whining and protests. I pulled out my phone and put all my songs on shuffle.

I then proceeded to get lost in my own world as I decide to make Vegetarian Lasagna with roasted pepper sauce. My mom was a neat freak and I had learned to cook neatly and get everything done without any of the extra work. By the time I had finished cleaning the kitchen, the oven dinged indicating that the lasagna was done. I grabbed it and put it on the counter top and turned, meaning to tell Elijah to call everyone and shrieked. All my brothers were sitting at the island table and were observing me with either their jaws on the floor or with wide smiles. Only Victor was nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pan from the counter top and took it to the table. Victor came into the dining room as everybody sat down.

We all took some of the lasagna and though my face was blank, I was anxious to know whether they liked it or not. They all took a bite and I breathed a sigh of relief. Roman and Elijah had gasped and moaned while Alex's and Victor's eyes had widened and Luca had an expression of pure bliss on his face as he continued eating.

Victor turned towards Elijah, "Elijah, this tastes amazing."

Elijah smiled and shook his head," I didn't make dinner, Ella did."

I shrunk back into my seat as I continued eating, Turning red with embarrassment and pleasure, I looked up only when Roman elbowed me. I looked at Victor and saw that he was smiling. Like actually smiling.

"Good work, bambina." Victor said and that one comment made my day. I gave him a wide grin as the table lapsed into individual conversations. When they had all finished I gave them a mischievous grin. They looked at me in confusion as I started laughing.

"Do you know that you all ate spinach, and a lot of it, with no complaints? The lasagna was around 40% greens." I said between laughs.

Their eyes widened and then they started laughing too.

"I'll eat all my greens if they are so tasty all the time." Roman replied.

I carried everything to the kitchen and helped Luca wash up. Things were still strained between us and it was not that much fun. I opened the microwave and got out two of the six cups inside. I added the spoons and took them to Elijah who looked at me like I was Santa Claus. I laughed and handed one of the cups to Elijah and gave one to Victor who gave me another small smile. I gave everyone a cup before settling into the couch.

"Oh my god! This is so good." Elijah said.

I smiled but I couldn't maintain it. Cooking was something I did with my dad. The mug chocolate lava cake was his special and made it every time we won something or when we were sad. Everyone looked at me in concern but I just smiled sadly got up and decided to go to the library. Another thing that my dad and I shared was a love of books.

I sat down on the window seat that was there and I finally cried. I cried for my parents who died before it was their time. I cried for my sister who was just 11 years old when she died and did not even get to live her life completely. I heard someone come in but I didn't even look up. That someone was hesitant as they came near me. Then, tentatively, the person put a hand on my shoulder. I turned and didn't even look up before burying my face in my brother's chest. He was hesitant as he wrapped his arms around me but his grip was strong and he held me in such a way that I knew that he would not let me go. I cried into his shirt and he held me. I was soon tired with crying and clung to him. Seeing that I had calmed down, he put a finger under my chin and lifted it up. I looked into his steel grey eyes and froze.

"L-Luca? I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I mean, I kept you up. You're not getting enough sleep as it is and I mean you shouldn't have to take care of me-"

Luca cut off my rambling," You are my little sister, my sorella, and I'll always take care of you."

I swear to god I felt my heart melt into a puddle at my feet and I gave him a watery smile. He smiled back and then lifted me up bridal style and carried me to my room. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck and his gentle moving made me feel sleepy and I felt myself drifting off, feeling emotionally and physically drained.

"What the-"

"Is she okay?"

"What happened to her?"

"Would you shut up? She's fallen asleep. I don't want to wake her up."

The voices immediately stopped and I felt myself being set down on a soft bed. I felt the covers being placed over me gently and I forced my eyes open.

"Please stay with me. I don't want to be alone today. Please stay, all of you."

I saw my brothers hesitate then Luca laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me. Victor lay on my other side and I held his hand tightly as I was pulled back into the sweet world of sleep.

"I love you all..."

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