namjinkook - wetting

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little: jungkook
age: 1-2
daddy: namjoon, jin

jungkook the poor boy suffered from bedtime wetting. so he would wet himself during the night and thats was just a problem so both of his daddy's had tried to suggest diapers.

"nwo daddy!" he whined to namjoon as namjoon held the pack of diapers in his hands. "but bun you keep having accidents." namjoon smiled gently as he placed them on the changing table.

jin pouted as he pulled jungkook in close to him. "and you aren't getting any good nights sleeps either but okay if you don't have any accidents tonight we won't make you wear them." jin smiled as he placed jungkook into his cot, kissing his head.

jungkook nodded confidently, as he kissed jin back waiting for namjoon to come over. "good night bunny baby." namjoon cooed, kissing the top of his head. namjoon pulled the blanket around his body. "night daddy" jungkook giggled holding his stuffie to himself closely praying for a dry night.

jungkook had gone down to sleep at 8pm giving both of his caregivers enough time before they went to bed. "daddy!" jungkook cried only hours after being put to bed. "oh no bunny hey, hey." namjoonn said walking in to jungkook's bedroom. "did you have an accident again?" namjoon cooed picking the crying boy up, and into the bathroom, where jin was. 

"oh bunny." jin rubbed the boys head before taking off his clothes. "i wonder why, he keeps having accidents?" namjoon asked jin kissing jungkook's head. "n-nigh-mears!" jungkook cried as he pulled namjoon in closer. "wanna sleep with daddys for a while?" jin asked placing jungkook in the bath. "y-yesh." he sobbed gently rubbing his eyes. 

after jungkook's bath jin took him too his changing room and held up the diapers. "wanna wear one?" jin asked softly, jungkook nodded his head gently sucking his fingers. "okay bun." jin smiled putting the diaper on the boy and taking him to bed.  namjoon cooed as he placed his book on the side and shaking jungkook's milk. "hey bun, come get some milk." namjoon smiled as jungkook crawled over and drank his milk. 

jin and namjoon smiled as jungkook fell asleep for a good night sleep for the first time in a while.

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