jikook - he's my happiness

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little: jungkook (mental age; newborn baby)
daddy: jimin

"dadadadada~" was how jimin was woken up that morning as jungkook laid on his chest and smiled up at him, jimin smiled brightly back and held the littles' hand in his as he brushed his fingers through jungkook's hair.

after that day where everyone found out, jimin was a little both jungkook and jimin took turns on spending time as a little but if both slipped anyone and everyone was happy to help the little pair.

jimin kisses jungkook head as he moved to sit up and hold jungkook on his lap. jungkook giggled happily as he looked up at his daddy before he started to pull at his hair. jimin picked him up and bounced him in his arm as he walk to his changing table, and takes off his onesie.

jungkook whinned when the cold air hit his body, jimin then started to blow raspberries on his tummy causing his little to eruput into a fit of giggled, clapping his hands as he laughed. jimin smiled as he pulled away and took off the baby's dirty diaper and placed it in a diaper bag and disposed off it before grabbing a clean one from the drawer.

once the clean diaper was on jungkook he changed his slightly damp onesie for a bunny onesie, which was all soft and fluffy and came with a matching pacifer. jimin had brought it for him when he had moved back in with him after they made up again.

jungkook loved the oneise to bits and it was one of his favourite item to wear when he was in his headspace. jungkook clapped as he pulled up the hood which had bunny ears on and played with them as they flapped over his head.

jimin cooed at his little and then placed a pacifer into the littels mouth and placed him on his hip taking him downstairs to make them both breakfast. jimin placed jungkook on the counter top as he played with a small bunny plushie, watching his daddy make his morning milk.

jimin smiled at jungkook and kissed his nose and turned back to heating his milk as he watched the it closely. jimin took the milk out of the pan and poured it into the baby bottle and fed it to jungkook. jungkook looked up at his daddy as he drank his milk before having jimin lay him on his play mat, before jimin went back into the kitchen.

jungkook rolled around on the mat before landing on his tummy, for 'tummy time' as jimin called it to him. jimin returned to him and smiled looking over at him. "well done baby." jimin praised him as he started to eat his breakfast, as he watched over jungkook as he played on his tummy. 

jungkook fell asleep while he was laying on is tummy once jimin had finished the housework. jimin cooed as he picked him up and bounced him in his arms. jungkook leaned his head into his neck and sucked on his pacifier happily before jimin brought him to his crib.

he kissed his head and wrapped a blanket around him "goodnight baby boy," jimin beamed as he sat on the rocking chair in the littles room with his laptop from the last nap time.

jimin hated jungkook waking up on his own, he even had a crib which he could leave in their bedroom so he could cuddle up close to him in the morning.

jimin rocked on the chair as he worked watching jungkook every now and then to make sure he was okay.

jungkook woke up and saw his daddy working so he got up and waddled over to him before sitting on his lap which caused jimin to jump a little.

jimin beamed at his little and pit the laptop aside and cuddle him close.

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