jungkook - comeback problems

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little: jungkook
caregivers: bts (yoonmin focus)

due to their biggest and most recent success of their new comeback, bts have been under huge levels of stress. before the album had even dropped bts were flying in and out of america going there to do some promotional events with other celebrities.

and now the album was out they were back in america doing the same, now just with the added singing. this took the biggest toll on their youngest member jungkook, a little and one to over work himself, he had been losing sleep and working on routines or at the gym way to much.

the other members noticed his 'favourite' caregiver, yoongi, noticed first when he fell asleep in the car for the first time in about 3 days. he was sucking on his thumb, so yoongi soon replaced his baby's thumb with a pacifier. but the little then began to whine.

the dummy was soon removed from his mouth and he looked at it. slipping so deep into his headspace. "daddy?" the little questioned. everyone's head turned to look at him but hoseok spoke. "yes angel?" jungkook moved into yoongi's lap seeing as he was the closest to him. "cuddles?" he questions yoongi looking up at him, his big bambi like eyes shining at him and a small pout forming on his lips.

yoongi wraps his arms around the little rocking him in his arms, as he places the blue pacifier back into his mouth looking at him cutely. "our sweet baby boy." jimin says holding the boys hand.

yoongi smiles at the younger pair together as he continues to rock jungkook in his arms, helping him fall asleep again. the group were all boyfriends, they all (at home) shared one bedroom and bed, showers were hard with all seven of them yet still possible. it also always meant that when they went on trips they would normally pair up with one of the boys. thus improving this relationship if they had an argument before the trip.

jungkook told the boys about his headspace a year into them dated each other. it went down much better than he had even expected. yoongi started to come home at reasonable times, hoseok wouldn't yell at him as much if he had danced wrong, jin had taught him how to cook a small little safe meal if he ever got hungry and his daddies were out, namjoon taught him in baby space, jimin and taehyung became his bestest of friends. jungkook being a little had made them a hell of a lot stronger as a group, as they went from raising jungkook, to re-raising him again. which jin really liked as he was seen as the parental figure of the lot.

jungkook had now been napping the hour they had spent in traffic getting back from a show they had done with jimmy fallon. the dance was hard and jungkook had been struggling with a slight cold and desperately needed to slip into his headspace, like always he was able to with the help of his daddy.

he was now sleeping on taehyung's lap, he was borderline waking up but the boys were going to let him wake normally. "hi my sweet baby." taehyung sing songed to the little as his eyes began to open. "daddy~ hi~" jungkook smiled back. taehyung cooed at the little and kisses the tip of his nose causing him to burst out into giggles. "again, again, again" the little chanted. so taehyung kissed his nose again, and jungkook burst out into a cute mini fit of giggles.

namjoon and jimin turned around to look at him and cooed and awed. "happy baby aren't you?" namjoon questioned the bouncing little. he nodded and hid his face in taehyung's neck. a blanket was dropped over his back as he laid on taehyung's neck. "my cute lil angel." namjoon said again causing the little to giggle again. yoongi cooed at the little on taehyung.

"oh hi baby boy, did you sleep well?" yoongi questioned the little stretching a out to rub his back. "swept (slept) wells dwaddy." jungkook says softly leaning back into yoongi's touch. yoongi took him for taehyung's lap as they arrived at the hotel again.

"come on angel, let's get you into daddy's bed so we can cuddle." yoongi booped the little's nose. as he opened his hotel door, jungkook ran in and grabbed one of his shirts and climbed cutely onto the bed. "come daddy, me needs changing."

yoongi giggled as he walked towards his baby and grabbed his while fear of god shirt from jungkook. "arms up baby boy." yoongi asked the little. his arms soon went up and his shirt was off. yoongi started to blow raspberries on his chest causing the boy to burst out into a fit of giggles as jimin walked in. "having fun baby?" jimin questioned dropping a kiss on yoongi's head. jungkook nodded and the shirt was pulled over his head. "daddies me wants cuddles." jungkook begged his caregivers.

jimin and yoongi climbed into bed and they left a middle space for jungkook to get in. as he did their arms closed around him. "paci?" he questioned jimin, his eyes looking up at him. "here baby boy, daddy has it." jimin said giving him the pacifier. the baby's eyes soon began to close and jimin sang to him softly, even causing yoongi to fall asleep. "I love you babies." jimin said kissing their heads. "I love you too baby," yoongi said smiling "now sleep" jimin giggled at his boyfriend and fell asleep.

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