vminkook - can't slip with daddy's help

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little: jimin
daddy: jungkook
switch: taehyung

jimin and jungkook were sitting in the bts living room, as taehyung had slipped and jungkook had put him down for a nap. as much as he tried he could not get jimin to slip, he was borderline slipping too so he couldn't understand why he just didn't slip.

jimin and jungkook were currently arguing. "jimi- baby boy just slip daddy is here." jimin rolled his eyes as he continued to watch the TV that was playing some old rerun of a kdrama. jungkook frowned watching his baby boy. "please baby boy, for daddy?" jungkook pleaded at the little.

jimin rolled his eyes and looked over at him, "no jungkook, i don't feel fucking little!" he half yelled trying to not wake up taehyung sleeping upstairs. jungkook laughed as he looked at the boy, then pointed to the corner of the room. "corner now!" he said sternly.

and finally taehyung woke up to the sound of the arguing and walked downstairs. "daddy? chimchim?" he questioned both stopped and looked at him. "hi baby boy I was just telling jimin to go into the corner for swearing." jungkook said walking over to the little picking him up and kissing his face all over, causing him to giggle cutely at jungkook's actions.

jimin sighed and stood up, "hi baby, I was telling your daddy that I'm not feeling little today so why don't he let it go." he glared at jungkook when he said that half ready for him to snap but he didn't. taehyung just watched the pair argue as he stood there sucking on his pacifier.

jungkook ignored what he had said and walked with taehyung in to the kitchen to start preparing lunch for the pair. "make your own lunch then jimin" jungkook said back glaring towards him. taehyung did granny hands to be held and his daddy picked him up bouncing him on his hip as he played with his hair mumbling out a 'dada pwetty' the first clear indication he was on baby space.

jimin nodded silently and walked out of the room back into his room. they did all share a bedroom, both littles had a games room, bedroom to share and a time out room, not to mention their only rooms and studios. it's a big house.

jimin laid there on his bed, half getting ready to cry for wanting attention but then shut that feeling down. all he wanted to do was slip only jungkook could force him to. he could hear jungkook babying taehyung from in his room and it pained his heart to hear both of this boyfriends like that.

hours passed, which to jimin seemed like more minutes as he listened to taehyung and jungkook play a game downstairs together forgetting there was another person upstairs. jimin will all the power he had in him finally, at 8:43 PM, went to go make himself some lunch. he hasn't spoken to anyone since 2, meaning he is very prone to slipping now.

he walked past the other two, taehyung making grabby hands towards his best friend while jungkook just looked at him. "little late for lunch huh jimin?" jungkook sarcastically questioned. jimin stopped in his tracks and fell silent at his daddy's question playing with the cuff of his shirt.

jimin pouted slightly before speaking, "you didn't call me for dinner." he mumbled back jungkook heard. jimin looked at the remains for their dinner and it was his favourite in and out of headspace fish and chips. jimin looked back at jungkook as he looked away."your a big boy." and with that line jimin was running back upstairs into his room, tears streaming down his face at his daddy's painful comment.

"just because i'm a big boy means I still wanna slip" he said crying into his pillow as he heard taehyung laugh again. taehyung and his daddy where playing the tickle monster game, so jungkook would randomly tickle him and he would giggle cutely.

jungkook smiled widely at his baby boy, as taehyung crawled into his lap and laid his head just over his heart so he could listen to the beating. jungkook rubbed his back softly in circles humming the tune of euphoria to him as his eyes dropped shut as jungkook carried him to their bed and laid him there. dummy and stuffie were given to the little as he walked over to jimin's room.

"Jim-" he was cut off by him yelling "daddy!" jimin ran into his arms and hugged him tightly kissing him. jungkook smiled softly and picked him up bouncing him on his hip kissing him softly on the nose. "hi prince, i missed you" jimin giggled softly hiding his face in his neck and giggled out, "chimmie mwiss chu too dada" sign one of baby space, dada.

jungkook held his baby close to him as he proceeded to make him a bottle of milk, his baby was gurgling some foreign language, but jungkook still laughed occasionally and kisses his head before giving him the bottle. he took the bottle in his mouth and drank it all with jungkook holding him as they walked back to their room.

jimin was changed into a nappy and a cute duckling onesie that jungkook had gotten when he found out his boyfriend was a little. then he got into bed in between both of his littles, jimin talking to him as he listened to a one way conversation and taehyung fast asleep.

~ time skip to morning ~

jungkook had woken with only taehyung in his bed another sign that jimin was already out of headspace for only 7:52 am. he groaned as he moved in his bed, taehyung grabbing onto him. "kookie stop moving baby." taehyung said kissing his shoulder before falling back to sleep.

jungkook smiles softly as jimin walked into the room. "morning baby boy." jimin scoffed looking at jungkook and taehyung. "im not a fucking little!" he yelled causing taehyung to wake and look at him.

taehyung glared as he spoke "says the one in a onesie" taehyung pointed to his attire and scoffed, "you used to be little 90% of the time and now your not so fuck off or something then." taehyung blunty said as jimin changed into a pair of tight jeans and black shirt.

jimin had tears in his eyes over taehyung comment and looked towards jungkook for help. "don't come crying to me of your not little grow a pair and stop ducking crying." jimin bowed his head half hiding away from either of his boyfriends. he felt ashamed yet so let down too.

he walked out of the room and locked himself in his studio, getting ready to work for several days with no break. taehyung and jungkook spent the day together making cakes and neither of them went to pester jimin. this lasted for a week.

the most jimin would leave for was food that he had ordered and to get some water. he had practically lived of junk for a week. he also hasn't spoken to anyone this the argument with his boyfriends, meaning any human interaction would make him curle up into a ball and cry for hours due to his level of stress.

tuesday night came and jimin had finished all his assigned work for the next 4 months meaning he could go to bed and sleep. so as he left his studio he wondered into his room, being both tired and wanting to slip so bad. he changed into one of jungkook's shirts and got into bed forgetting to put a nappy on before he fell asleep.

and when he woke up he had wet himself causing eye pricing screams to he heard. "daddy! dada! appa!" he yelled out in a mantra chanting them until someone walked in. it was his daddy.

jungkook pouted slightly at the state of his baby, cold, wet, dirty but still he picked him up and kisses him gently. "shush baby dada is here, ive got you now. calm down for me prince." jimin was reduced to sobs and gurgled words in the arms of his daddy as taehyung walked in to change the bed sheets, jimin pulled at taehyung's hair as he stood next to him moving into his arms. "hi sweetie, oh i missed you baby boy" taehyung said sweetly watching jungkook hold them both in the mirror. "bath time with appa," taehyung asked the baby and he nodded softly.

jungkook ran a bath for the pair as he added pink bubbles and all of jimin's toys so he could play. taehyung got into the bath first and with jungkook's help he got jimin into the bath with him. jungkook being the world's greatest daddy sat by the side of the bath holding jimin's little hand as taehyung washed him, showering him in kisses and praises.

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