taegi - trip?

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Little: Yoongi

Daddy: Taehyung

a week had passed now since taehyung had left for oversea meetings for his first solo album. taehyung had been enjoying the time to himself and it was nice for him to get some time away from the othes even if he loved them all unconditionally. but being away from yoongi was the worst.

on his first night, he had recieved an infux of messages regarding yoongi and how he had been behaving. yoongi was always bratty when taheyung wasn't around because the little knew the others couldn't punish him like his daddy could.

by the second night, yoongi had kept them all awake by running riot around the house, in and out of the rooms. around the kitchen. he had even pestered hoseok 4 different times just to have the door slammed back into his face and hoseok going ,"leave me alone you fucking baby." 

this made yoongi cry, loudly. and the sound of crying can easily get annoying very quickly, jungkook had resulted to staying at his studio in order to get any sleep but the others couldn't do that. yoongi was too much to handle.

as the third night, rolled around yoongi had stayed awake crying over how much he missed taehyung. even after he promised jungkook he would sleep tonight, it was a lie the clock read 3 am and they knew they wasn't going to sleep.

taehyung was due to return back to them today and in the heat of looking after yoongi. they all had forgotten. so when taehyung walked through the front door jimin was physically relieved. "you're home, finally. please. please calm him down." jimin begged as he pushed the milk bottle into tahyung's hand and watched him walk back to his bedroom.

taehyung sighed to himself as he pushed opened the bedroom door and stared down at yoongi. "baby? where you naughty?" taehyung asked softly as he crouched down to look at yoongi who had been seated on the ground crying as he held onto taehyung's top. "nu daddy! just missed you!!" the little smiled as he gripped onto taehyung. he would punish him later right now they all needed some sleep.

taehyung placed the milk bottle onto the little's lip and watched as he sucked all of the milk contents out of the bottle, his eyes dropping slowly. taehyung took this chance to move him into bed. 

yoongi smiled softly as taehyung brushed his hair with his fingers, planting a small kiss on the little's head allowing them all to finally get some sleep that night.

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