bts - the hyung's baby even when little

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littles: namjoon, Jin, yoongi, jungkook (mental age 0-2, Jin 3-5)
daddys: hoseok, jimin, taehyung
part two

jin was the oldest in their headspace still keeping to the hyung title even when little. so when he heard koo crying he was soon running towards him. "no cwy kookie hyungie here!" he beamed as he pulled jungkook into a hug after hearing namjoon's door slam shut. "why is namjoon-hyung being such a bitch today!" taehyung said as he picked both littles up. "someone has a bit of a booboo huh?" jimin cooed as he felt koo's nose before taking him off taehyung.

"nu hurt dada." he mumbled into jimin neck before sucking softly on his collar bone. jimin bounced the poor boy in his arms as hoseok walked over to them. "where's joon?" he asked sternly looking at both if the younger boys. "don't hyung, he's really not worth it." taehyung said pulling hoseok arm back downstairs with him and jimin followed in toe.

namjoon heard them outside his door and once he knew they were away he started to cry louder and louder. "wan- wan- dada!!!" he cried before holding hoseok's sweatshirt in his arms. that was the only thing keeping him slightly sane, well up until hoseok wanted it back of course. but he didn't need it now did he?

jimin placed koo in his play pen next to yoongi before climbing into it was well to watch the littles play. "yoonie pway??" koo asked softly as yoongi nodded. koo giggled before crawling over to yoongi and grabbing one of the building blocks infront of him. "tower~" yoongi sang as jimin cooed and pushed a pacifier into his mouth before turning to watch jin and hoseok.

yoongi placed the base of the tower down before koo started to place the next onces on top giggling cutely. "hwungie?" koo asked softly as yoonie looked up at him. "yeshie?" he replied deeply devoted on his tower. "koo wuv hwungie!" he giggled softly before carefully climbing around the tower to lay in yoongi's lap. "koo 'weepy?" yoongi asked careingly to the smaller boy. "yeshie." he whined as yoongi pulled a blanket over them both to keep them warm.

"'weep kooie." yoongi smiled as he patted the top of the now sleeping boy's head as jin waddled over to them. "baby 'weepy?" jin asked as he pointed to a sleeping koo. "yesh hwungie. baby tewid." yoongi smiled to his hyung. both yoonie and jinnie addressed koo as 'baby' when they were in there headspace just because he was normally smaller than them. "aww hyung look." jimin pointed at them as him and hoseok came closer to them. "they are so cute." hoseok cooed before jumping as the heard namjoon behind them. "oh nam...joon." he said strently. "sorry hyung, j-just need tissue for nose." he mumbled before turnign away from them. "woah baby what happened," hoseok asked as he picked the boy up, cuddling him closely. "sowwy dwa." he cried as jimin wiped his nose then his eyes. "shush is it from running into koo?" hoseok asked softly as he saw the poor boy nod.

"hes a lil baby." taehyung smiled as he took him from a struggling jimin, as he tried to pick him up. "daddy tae will carry you baby." taehyung smiled kissing his head. namjoon whined gently as he looked towards jimin and hoseok. "does baby want milkies? " hoseok asked softly as namjoon nodded again.

taehyung cooed at the second youngest little before bouncing him in his arms and kissing his nose. "dada? why jwoon?" jin asked as he pointed towards namjoon who was borderline falling asleep in TAEHYUNG'S arms. " joon is a little too sweetie." he told the boy who then smed brightly. " he baby?" he asked again as jimin nodded. jin clapped as he pulled taehyung and bj towards the sofa and sitting them down so he could talk to namjoon. "hewo" namjoon mumbled softly as jin hugged him tightly. "baby." he giggled.

an: wow sorry updates have been on the poorer end I've started college and it's not like what you think guys I'm basically teaching myself science so yaknow it's pretty time consuming. I will try to update again soon - authornim

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