yoonkook - working

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little: jungkook (mental age 0-1)
daddy: yoongi
words: 641
request: httpkhj

yoongi had been working, like always, for way to long. being away from his daddy drove jungkook insane. and he was in baby space. namjoon had drove him to yoongi's lab and jungkook knocked on the door as best as a baby could.

"dada~" jungkook whined out as he slapped the door. yoongi sighed thinking it would be someone else. he opened the door and was ready to lose it. "what do you- oh hi baby boy." yoongi smiled out and picked the small boy up and cuddle him close and kissed his head.

jungkook giggled his pink pacifier, which said daddy's princess, had fallen from his mouth and yoongi had caught it. yoongi gasped and then smiled. "does this belong to my baby?" yoongi asked already knowing the question but yoongi's voice when jungkook was in baby space made him happy.

jungkook didn't answer he just whined for the pacifier to be placed back into his mouth. "here you go sweetie." said softly turning back to the computer as jungkook bounced on his lap, before pulling at yoongi's grey-like hair, he pulled rather had which caused yoongi to groan loudly.

"baby can you not do that it hurts angel." yoongi pleaded nicely, jungkook's small hands fell onto yoongi's lap as he stared up at his daddy. "m'hwungwy." jungkook whined out, yoongi chuckled and grabbed his bag and lock his computer, finally calling it a day (or 7).

the pair, well yoongi, walked out of the studio and to the dorm, the others were still working so it was only them home, which they both appreciated. yoongi placed jungkook on the kitchen counter as he then grabbed jungkook's favourite bottle and heated up some milk for his baby to drink.

"baby want nana milk?" yoongi asked as jungkook's eyes widen, almost doubled. he giggled endlessly for a while and yoongi took it as a yes, as he played a kiss on jungkook's little head and smiled as jungkook pulled on his shirt. "you're so cute my little angel." yoongi said as the microwave bleeped and he took out the nice warm banana milk for his little princess.

"let's go to bed my little princess." yoongi picked up the whining boy and carried him into their shared room. they both got into bed as yoongi fed jungkook his bottle of warm milk. "thank." jungkook said softly once he was done with the bottle. yoongi's heart melted at how cute his little was. yoongi burped jungkook as he slowly began to fall asleep in his daddy's big strong arms.

"my cute little angel." yoongi said kissing the boy's nose, jungkook smiled in his sleep at his daddy's action, which was rather cute, yoongi turned the tv on and let it play it the background while he watched jungkook sleep peacefully.

jungkook had now been asleep for about 2 hours, and it was time for him to be woken up, but instead he woke up while yoongi was showering. he began to cry and cry, whining, thinking that yoongi had left him forever. when yoongi walked back in he cuddled the poor helpless boy cooing at him and reassuring him. "daddy's right here angel." he said as jungkook moved into his bare chest.

jungkook whined at yoongi looking up at him. "you want a kiss?" yoongi asked, jungkook nodded. yoongi smiled and kissed the boy quickly on the lips and they both smiled. "you're so cute princess." jungkook beamed widely at the praise from his daddy.

jungkook beamed, as yoongi continued to kiss all over his face. the younger boy laughed and giggled happily, all because of his daddy. "koo wub chu dada." jungkook said, through his pacifier, yoongi slined and held the boy close.

"daddy loves baby boy so much." yoongi smiled out

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