namjinmin - our angel

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little: jimin
daddy: namjoon
mommy: jin
!baby space¡ !requested¡

jimin sat, or well laid on the floor watching his caregivers change. jin, his mommy, had placed him on a jumper. "baby?" namjoon called as jimin looked up at his daddy. "aren't you adorable." namjoon cooed as he picked up jimin.

jimin cuddled into his daddy, holding his shirt in his hands. "hes even clinging to you joonie." jin smiled as he rubbed the top of jimin's hair. "dada... baba." jimin whined as both jin and namjoon laughed.

they walked downstairs, smiling as jimin bounced in namjoon's arms. jimin giggled away happily, his caregivers smiled at him kissing his nose. "baby wnat colour do you want?" jin asked as they placed all the coloured bottles onto the side.

there was a pink one, purple, red, green and blue. jimin looked at the bottles and pushed the red one over. "baby wants red does he?" namjoon smiled kissing the boys nose.

"dada.." he whined again hiding his face into namjoon's neck. "what's up baby?" he asked running his fingers though Jimin's hair. "ca'toon" jimin mumbled, pointing to the tv. "baby wants to watch a movie?" namjoon smiled as he walked over to the sofa. he placed jimin in his little seat. "here gorgeous." namjoon smiled as he placed on a show for jimin.

"mama has your milk." jin smiled bringing the littles milk to him. "here." jin fed jimin his bottle watching the little closely and support his head.

"good boy." jin smiled, cooing at jimin. jimin giggled pulling jin closer to him. "kith." he giggled as jin pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"are you sleepy baby?" namjoon asked as jimin shook his head. he wanted to watch his cartoon his with caregivers. "I think he wants to watch cartoons with us." jin smiled as he cuddled up closer to namjoon. it was good the leader had been working out a lot more recently, he was finally able to pick up jin easily.

and now he could pick up jimin and jin at the same time. of course, like any child would, he loved it when his daddy was able to pick up his mommy and himself. "wan" he did his grabby hands towards his caregivers, wanting to be carried and cuddled by them.

"pwease." he whined wanting their heat and touch. "namjoon collected the little, and placed him inbetween his caregivers. "happy now baby." jin smiled, rubbing the top of the boys head. "you're too cute baby." namjoon smiled as jimin held their fingers, chewing on namjoon's gently. "don-" namjoon started as jin shushed him, they didn't want the little to chew on their fingers but he was happy right now and they didn't want to bother him. they were all happy

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