yoonkook - backstage problems (part 1)

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little: Yoongi
daddy: Jungkook

yoongi was currently seated in jungkook's dressing room; he was waiting for his boyfriend to finish his euphoria performance. he slipped soon after they finished their group performing at the MMAs. he was able to change while he was waiting and for a while he drew a pitcure for his daddy.

jungkook jogged backed to his dressing room, he hadn't known that yoongi was in his dressing room yet. so when he saw him it was a surpise. jungkook smiled weakly as he dried some sweat of his face with a towel laying on the floor. "hey sweetheart." jungkook called as yoongi looked over a gummy smile.

yoongi's thumb was resting on his lips. he was clearly sucking the tip, jungkook would usually say something about it but to as he was way to tired right now.

yoongi beamed as he removed his thumb from the his mouth. "dadda!!" he beamed happily running over to jungkook. jungkook scopped his little up and cuddled him closely. "how are you feeling sweetpea?" he asked softly, placing his fingers on yoongi's forehead to check his temperature. if yoongi had overworked his body during the performance his temperature would increase.

"gud, gud dada." yoongi answered nodding his head, jungkook smiled as he kissed the top of yoongi's head. "angel daddy needs to change now." jungkook told his little. yoongi nodded again allowing jungkook to place him on the floor.

yoongi crawled off back towards his tablet where he was watching cartoons. "angel? where is daddy's shirt?" jungkook asked, he knew yoongi was wearing it but he always liked to see how embrassed yoongi would get sometimes. "nu ideas." yoongi giggled as he pulled the shirt tighter around his body.

jungkook grinned and threw on his jumper instead. he sat down beside yoongi, waiting to be called to be taken home. he took out his phone and scrolled through it reading all of army's comments on the event.

yoongi crawled into jungkook's lap showing him the picture he had made. "lookies!" he grinned as jungkook placed his phone down and saw the drawing his little had made. "this is beautiful angel, is this onstage singing to army?" jungkook asked as he nodded back at him. 

yoongi loved it when jungkook praised him, he always felt so much happier when his daddy did so.

yoongi laid down, resting his head on jungkook's lap. jungkook brushed his fingers through his little's hair as he watched the little's eyes dropped gently.

across yoongi's hands were makeup. jungkook grabbed one of his hands and looked closer at it. "sweetie? did you use the makeup?" jungkook asked, yoongi rubbed his eyes softly as he woke up. "i show you." yoongi mumbled sleepily before climbing off of his daddy.

"lookies." the little mumbled through his dummy holding the picture up to show him. jungkook's eyes studied the picture and like he expected yoongi had used makeup to make his picture. 

"yoongi. you do know this is naughty right?" jungkook told his little, yoongi looked down before nodding. "and what does daddy say about using the makeup to draw." yoongi nodded again. jungkook sighed softly, he wasn't going to yell at the boy. he was in his headspace so in his eyes it was like painting.

yoongi's eyes filled with tears as he watched jungkook stand up. "when we get home, daddy will think about your punishment." jungkook told his little, that was enough to get yoongi to jump into jungkook's arms and cuddle into him. "otay dada." yoongi answered softly resting his head onto the his daddy's chest. "get some sleep angel." jungkook smiled as he rubbed yoongi's back softly allowing to sleep while jungkook waited for them to go home.

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