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adam was always working and it bothered you. you felt like he was overworking himself. you knew how much YouTube meant to him, you were glad he was working, but all you wanted was for him to relax. you knew that he felt like he was letting people down. 

he was in his recording room and you can hear his rings hit the table. you knew he slammed his fist on the table. it scared you cause he yelled too. adam could be like this but you knew it was from stress. you knew you had to do something about it.

you put on one of his hoodies and walked out the house. you left a note in case he came out so you wouldn't worry him. you went to the store and bought some relaxing candles, rose petals, some chocolate, and you stopped by where he loves to eat. you knew he needed this.

 you got home and quickly ran to the room you guys shared. you wrote in two cards. one about how much you love him and in the other one you wrote how proud of him you were.

 you ran him a warm bath and put a vanilla bath bomb in it. you lit candles and put some rose petals in it. you also put some on the bed in the shape of a heart. 

you also put on some lingerie cause you knew he needed to destress some how. you put his oversized hood on so he couldnt see. you walked to his recording room and knocked on the door. 

"come in!" you could tell he sounded stressed. he looked at you up and down and basically undressed you with his eyes. "you gotta wait Mr. impatient ." you said with a chuckle. he frowned. "anyway i have a surprise for you so get your ass up.'' he groaned but got up anyway. 

you put his hands over his eyes and walked him downstairs. "y/n why do i smell Chinese food." you chuckled and went to the bathroom. "I smell vanilla." you uncovered his eyes and you could tell he was really happy. 

he turned to look at you. "i knew how much stress you were under so i thought i do something to help you relax a bit.'' he picked you up and hugged you. nobody has ever done something like this for him. he was just so happy that you cared for him. 

he took his bath and you waited in your room. you were just thinking how proud of yourself you felt. you felt like you did a good job. he walked into the room and his mouth dropped. he saw what you had done. he wanted to cry. and adam never cries.

 you guys ate and chilled for a bit before he spoke up again. "can i have you now?'' you smiled and laugh. "yes idiot." you knew you made him happy and less stress. when you guys were done  you cuddled for a little bit. 

"y/n'' "mhm" "thank you really i guess i was overstressing myself. you're the best girlfriend ever'' you smiled so wide your cheeks hurt. you kissed his chin and laid down. you felt good knowing that adam was more relaxed. 


so  my mental health is improving a little bit but not as much. i will continue to update this book unless i run out of ideas. 

stay safe loves🥰 

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