I'm so sorry baby!

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idea from @Deadgirl133. thank you so much :)


corpse is what you can describe as a protective person. if you were to trip over something, he would be there to catch you. if you were distracted and about to walk into something, he would pull your shoulders back. when you go in public, he always keeps his pocket knife in his pocket.

 he protected you like his life depended on it. sometimes when you sat in his lap his knife would poke your thigh, but not too sharp to the point it made you bleed. sometimes he would get nervous when you sit in his lap cause he's worried he's gonna cut your leg.

 today he was in his recording room. you were pretty lonely without him. you tried to watch your favorite show to take your mind off of him, but It didn't work. you peaked your head in his recording room doorway and he chuckled. ''y/n I know you're there.'' you walked in and hopped up on his desk. ''baby do you love your sweet boyfriend?'' you already knew what was coming. ''alright what do you want to eat?'' ''how'd you-'' ''corpse Hunny we've been together for 5 years. I know every answer to every question you ask. now I made pasta for lunch if you want some?'' 'he nodded and you went downstairs to the kitchen. you grabbed two plates and two cups. you went back upstairs and gave corpse his plate.  you decided to sit on his lap. 

''baby I have my knife in my pocket so be careful moving around. I don't wanna poke your thigh.'' after you both done eating you took your plates to the sink and washed them. you went back and sat on his lap while he edited. you forgot he had his knife in his pocket and you moved and his knifed stabbed you in your thigh. you winced in pain ''ouch god fucking damnit.'' ''baby what- oh my god baby im so sorry are you ok!?'' ''yeah im ok.'' he picked you up took you to the bathroom. he cleaned you up and wrapped your thigh up. he gave you hug.

 ''I'm so sorry baby. I should have took my knife out of my pocket. I'm sorry-'' you kissed him to get him to stop talking. ''stop apologizing. its ok babe. I'm fine aren't I? its just a small cut it'll heal soon. its not your fault and if you apologize again you're sleeping on the floor ok?'' ''but-'' ''but nothing.'' ''y/n-'' ''hush. I don't wanna hear it. but take your knife out of your pocket so I'll have somewhere to nap.''

 he took his knife out of his pocket and set it on the coffee table. you sat on his lap and laid your head on his shoulder. you wrapped your arms around his neck. you closed your eyes and relaxed. he rubbed your hurt thigh carefully. ''y/n-'' ''I swear if you say sorry you're sleeping on the floor or the couch .''I wasn't gonna say sorry. I was gonna ask you if you're sleepy and wanna go to bed.'' ''no not yet.'' ''baby you're tired. I see the bags under your eyes.'' ''I'll go to bed when I'm ready.'' ''y/n I know how to put you to sleep.'' ''but-'' ''don't wanna hear it. you're in pain and you're going to sleep.'' he brushed his hands through your hair and massaged the back of your neck. you were getting more sleepy but trying to fight it. ''don't fight it y/n. fall asleep.'' ''but-'' ''stop arguing with me and fall asleep.'' you just decided to go to sleep. after a few minutes of playing your hair, he fell asleep himself. he kissed your lips. ''sleep well baby.''


ok this was rushed because my computer is dying but I love you and new chapter tomorrow. 

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