Stupid mistake

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It was date night for you and milo.  You had a date night 2 times a month to spend some time together. It made your relationship stronger and helped you get closer together. You had dinner reservations months in advance, so you told milo not to schedule anything. Well...turns out he forgot and made plans with his friends. 

You were waiting at the restaurant you told him to meet you at. But he wasn't there. so you called his phone. He picked up after a few rings "Hello?" You could hear noises of other things in the background. "Milo, where are you? I've been waiting for 45 minutes." "Sorry babe, I forgot about our date. Me and my friends are going to the movies. We can just reschedule." You felt hurt. He seriously forgot about your date for his friends? "Don't even bother. Have fun with your friends." you didn't even wanna be out anymore. You were about to hang up but he wanted to desperately explain himself to you. "Babe, wait! Let me explain. I know I made a really stupid mistake, but-" You cut him off. You weren't having any of this. "No need to explain. I see your friends are more important than our date. Have fun. A blanket and a pillow will be waiting for you on the couch when you come home." Yeah you were making him sleep on the couch. How could he do this to you? He tried to protest his argument but it didn't go as planned. 

"You're going to make me sleep on the couch?!? No, Babe, you have to listen. I'm sorry that I ruined our plans, but this is ridiculous. You're acting like a child." The second you heard that, you were going off. "I'm acting like a child? I spent time and effort getting ready for dinner, not to mention the money I spent on those reservations. I wanted to spend time with you, so that's why I said don't schedule anything. But I see none of that matters to you. So a pillow and a blanket will be waiting for you on the couch. Have a nice night. Jerk." He felt disappointed in himself so he tried begging for a second chance, but it wasn't helping his case. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to be insensitive. I'll cancel the plans and meet you at the restaurant in 30 minutes." You were already heading home. He didn't deserve a second chance. "I'm already home. The couch is waiting when you're ready." I hung up. I got ready for bed, crying myself to sleep. 

He signs and looks at the couch. "Damn..she really meant it." He lays on the couch and covers himself with a blanket. He drifts off to sleep, still pissed at himself for being such an idiot. The next day, he wakes up groggy and miserable. He heads upstairs, hoping that maybe you're  awake and willing to talk about what happened last night. He knocks on the bedroom door, but you don't answer. He sighs and knocks again. He decides to just open the door, and when he does he sees you laying on the bed, your back to him. He walks over to you and lays down next to you without a word. You felt the bed dip down and look over and milo was laying there. "I thought I told you to sleep on the couch." You were still angry at him from the night before, so him being here in your bed didn't help. "Yeah I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to you. Please, can we just talk for a minute?" You at least wanted to hear him out so you sat up and listened to what he had to say. 

"I know I really messed up last night, and I'm sorry. I screwed up and I shouldn't have made those plans with my friends. But a blanket and a pillow is kind of a childish way to handle the situation. Don't you think? The couch sucked to sleep on, so can I at least come to bed with you?" Why was saying you were being childish? your feelings were genuinely hurt and you're being the childish one? Yeah not gonna happen. You didn't wanna argue so you just gave it to him straight.  "That was the point. You hurt my feelings. I looked stupid sitting in that restaurant by myself. My feelings really hurt Milo. And you have the nerve to call me childish? You canceled our date for a stupid movie. You knew months in advance I made those plans. But you put your own selfish needs before me. If anyone is being childish, it's you. You can sleep on the couch for the rest of the month. Then we'll see if you cancel another date."  You turned over. You were done with this conversation. 

He lies there, thinking about whether you're actually going to make him sleep on the couch for a month. He knows you're hurt, but still, this seems a bit excessive. At least he'll get a chance to really think this through. He's not sure what he can do to make it up to you, but he'll figure something out. He's going to make it up to you.



I hope you all had a very merry christmas :) I got a new laptop so updates will come out as soon as I can make them. I was gone for so long because I've been going through a lot(legally and mentally) but now that everything is sorted out, I hope to be back into writing :) you're always welcomed to provide me some ideas! glad to be back :)

xoxo, bunny 

𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖘𝖊 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘/𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖘💀🖤Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz