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its quiet, too quiet. the rooms that once filled his laughs now sit silent. his recording room that once filled jokes and gags now fall silent besides the wind blowing through the window he always left cracked. the bedroom that once shared tears, laughter, pain, stay silent. the front door that once opened, doesn't even make a creak.

 the kitchen that once held memories, now hold his presence. the couch that once held movie nights and cuddles now stay cold. he was gone in the blink of a eye. it was too soon. the man that once made you smile is now somewhere better. the man that was once there when you were down was now only a memory. 

the pictures were hard to look at, but it was all you had left. his precious smile, the way his eyes lit up when you would come around, the way his laugh brighten up any day, was now nothing but a ghost of a memory. his hoodies that once smelled liked him now smell like nothing. his shirts he once wore now hang in the closet. his pillow that once held his tears now holds yours. the bed you once shared still smells like him.

 everyone tells you to forget him but how can you? he was everything to you, your bestfriend, the love of your life, your husband. you look at the wedding ring on your finger, you could never replace it. its all you have left. when he was gone you felt your whole world crumble. 

you remember the day. it was like all the other days, seeing him on that hospital bed, in pain. but you didn't know it was the last day you'll ever hear that beautiful voice. you held his hand as he told you his last words, ''I love you forever and there's no where you can go that I won't be with you.'' after those words he let go of your hand, you heard that flat line. he was gone. you didn't want to believe it but it was true. you stayed with him til they made you go. you never thought you'd have to see the love of your life get taken away from you. seeing your husband lay still in a box was the most painful thing. you got to say the final words at his funeral.

 ''he was loved by all, but I loved him more than anything. everyday he would make a silly joke to remind me to laugh. when I was at my lowest he made me smile the brightest. I never thought in a million years I would be saying goodbye to him like this. he was more than just my husband, he was my bestfriend, my partner in crime, my everything. he was also the most amazing father to my children. I remember everyday he would leave a note in my lunchbox before I went to work. when I was sad he would say the funniest thing to make me smile. he may be gone but he will never be forgotten.'' everyday you went to his grave to tell him about your day. 

''hey baby. so I got my masters degree the other day. I wished you were here to see. y/d/n learned how to walk and y/s/n started his senior year. I wish you could see them, you would be so proud. I love you baby and I will see you soon.'' you let your son say what he wanted to say. ''hey dad. its been a few months since you've been gone. I miss you like crazy. I graduate next year. I wish could be there to see it. but you're in a better place now, you're no longer in pain everyday. I'll come back soon dont worry. I love you dad.'' your son broke down. your daughter was too young to understand but seeing her brother cry made her cried. 

no matter what anyone tells you, he will always be the love of your life, til death do you part.


I just wanted to try something different

if anything in this chapter triggers you im so sorry 

and next chapter will be wholesome I promise 


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