Baby boy

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you sit in the nursery of your son trying to rock him to sleep. you haven't been getting a lot of sleep since your baby boy was born a month ago. you've been under so much stress. corpse tries to help you but you always told him you got it.

 ''y/s/n please go to sleep.'' it was 4am and you wanted at least 1 hour of sleep. after about 40 minutes he fell asleep. you put him down in his crib and walked back to your shared room with corpse. ''how's he doing?'' ''he said mommy isn't sleeping at all tonight.'' ''try to get some sleep while you can.'' ''but what if he wakes up?'' ''I will take care of him. you sleep now.'' not even 15 minutes later he was crying again. you were trying to get up but corpse made you lay back down. ''go back to sleep I got him.'' you went back to sleep while corpse took care of the baby.

 when you woke up you noticed corpse wasn't in bed. you went to your son's nursery and saw corpse asleep in the rocking chair with your son. you smiled in awe and woke corpse up. ''corpse, corpse wake up.'' corpse woke up and you grabbed your son. ''how'd you get him to fall asleep?'' ''well I rocked him and told him the story on how we met.'' you chuckled lightly and your son started to wake up.

 ''corpse go ahead and get some sleep I'll take care of him.'' ''you sure? you were up half the night.'' ''yeah im sure, he needs to be fed anyway.'' you were still nursing at the time. corpse went back to bed while you took care of your son. after you fed him and changed him, you played with him while corpse slept. you loved your new mom life. yes it was stressful but you loved it. 

after a while you looked at the clock and saw it was 12pm.  you noticed your son falling asleep so you put him down for a nap. you went to your bedroom and saw corpse on his phone. ''how is he?'' ''a lot.'' you chuckled. ''but he went down for a nap.'' ''his nap isn't for another hour?'' ''well he was struggling to keep his eyes open so I just put him down.'' ''does this mean I can have my daily cuddles back?'' ''until he wakes up yes.'' before you gave birth you and corpse would cuddle all day and all the time. now that you have a baby, it made it hard to have your daily cuddles.

 ''wanna take a nap while we can?'' ''please I need it.'' you cuddled up in bed and took a nap while you waited for your son to wake up. 20-30 minutes you heard crying. you started to get up but corpse pulled you back down. ''corpse I have to-'' ''go back to sleep I will take care of him.'' ''are you sure-'' ''yes woman now lay back down.'' corpse went to y/s/n room and picked him up.

 after he got him to calm down, he smiled at corpse. corpse laughed a little bit. ''you always had your mommy's smile.'' corpse felt so happy that this was his child he was holding. he went to the living room and sat on the couch. he looked to the right to see a family picture you took when y/s/n was born. he started crying. but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of pure happiness.

 you heard sniffling and went to the living room to see corpse talking to your son. you stood on the corner to listen. ''your mom is the best person I've met. she really loves you. sometimes we fight on who loves you more. one day you're gonna grow up and have kids of your own, and you'll be telling them the same thing. of course you won't remember this but you'll be telling them what a great mom they have.'' your heart was melting. you went and sat on the couch beside him.

 ''I was wondering where my boys were.'' your son smiled when he saw you. ''you know he has your smile?'' you chuckled and turned red. ''and he has your pretty face.'' you gave him a kiss. you hear your baby start babbling. you and corpse smiled at each other. ''wanna try for another?'' you laughed and playfully hit his cheek. you really had the best family ever. you wouldn't trade them for anything. 


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i love youuuuuuuuuu

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