princess please eat

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this will be a ddlg chapter, if you don't like it, don't read it. remember ddlg stands for daddy dom little girl. go back and read the anxiety chapter, i explain it better there, anyways enjoy

your little age is 2 but sometimes you act littler

just do research before you read this chapter, don't come at me if you don't like it. im already fed up enough today. 

⚠TRIGGER WARNING⚠ mentions eating disorder so be careful reading


you were sitting in the living room watching cartoons while sucking on your paci. you told your now daddy corpse about your ddlg lifestyle and turns out he was a daddy. you didnt care if other people judged you, you were happy and he was happy.

 ''princess come eat.'' ''I'm nu hungry daddy.'' ''princess you haven't ate since breakfast.'' you struggled with body image issues and a eating disorder. ''I's knows but I's nu hungry.'' he signed. ''I'll put it in the fridge then. but you cant eat nothing else until you eat that ok?'' ''otay daddy.'' after a few hours you started to get hungry.

 ''babygirl are you hungry now?'' you were distracted with your fingers. everything just seemed to fascinate you. corpse cleared his throat so you would notice him. ''oh hi daddy.'' ''I said are you hungry?'' you nodded. 

''alright come sit down so I can feed you.'' after you ate you were happy. ''princess can we talk about something?'' ''yesh?'' ''how come when daddy cooks you barely eat it? I thought you liked eating what I make for you?'' ''caus im fat'' you started crying. corpse picked you up and rocked you back and forth.

 ''princess you are not fat at all. you're perfect. but you not eating is not healthy baby. you could get sick and I don't want that. I l love your  body the way it is. I didnt fall in love with your looks. I fell in love with your cuteness, your goofiness, your weirdness, and your personality in general. I don't want you to doubt yourself. I love you the way you are now ok?'' ''otay I's wuv Chu.'' ''I love you too baby. will you promise daddy something?'' you nodded. ''will you eat at least 3 times a day?'' you nodded. ''words little one.'' ''I's prowmise.'' he kissed your cheek and you giggled the way you giggled seem to drive him crazy, but in a good way.

 ''daddy?'' ''yes little one?'' ''can yous um nuffin!'' you tried to run away but he picked you up. you started laughing uncontrollably. ''you are just a ball of energy huh?'' ''oh mes sowwy.'' ''little one what are you sorry for?'' ''I's too hyper.'' sometimes you got a little upset over small things.

 ''babygirl its ok to be hyper. just not too hyper. actually its nap time.'' your eyes went wide. you hated naptime. ''cans I's eat?" he would normally say no, but he's always happy to see you eat. ''ok what do you want to eat?'' 'ummmm'' ''princess ummmm isn't a food.'' he laughed and ruffled your hair. you yawed indicating you were tired. corpse picked you up and rocked you back and forth. next thing you know, you were asleep. he took you upstairs and laid you down. he put your paci in your mouth and kissed you on the forehead. ''sleep well babygirl.''


this is a ddlg chapter, if you don't know what that is then look it up. don't come at me saying im sexualizing corpse. this is not supposed sexualize him in anyway. see ya tomorrow and hopefully people will stop being slow and a piece of shit 

love you very much. hope you liked this chapter

sorry if it was short, next chapter will be a bit longer

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