A Miracle

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Not long after Shinichi arrived back at Dr. Agasa's, he too reverted to his child form. Normally, when he reverted back to the miniscule form, he felt irritable. This time, however, was different. He felt a strange sense of comfort, as he sat beside the sleeping girl on the sofa. He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't have to worry about the wrong people seeing him; maybe it was that he'd grown familiar with this form; maybe it had to do with her... 

Conan stole a glance down at the resting girl. Her expression was warm, and relaxed. She snuggled into his jacket, a barely noticeable smile pulling at her lips. Conan's phone buzzed on the table, but he didn't move to answer it. As soon as the ringing ended, it began again. Conan watched her for a long moment, before tearing his eyes away. He grabbed up the phone, and answered. "Hello?"

"Oi, Detective, I have a favor to ask." Ignoring all formalities, the familiar voice replied.

"What makes you think I'd help you with anything? It's not like we're friends, Kid." Conan grumbled.

"Yeah, I'm aware. But, I have a feeling you're wanting to do the same thing."

Conan let out a sigh. "Fine, what is it?"

"I want to go to her house."

"Why would you want to go there?"

"You said he recreated the crime scene. I want to see it."

"What are you going on about? I'm sure you could easily get your hands on the police file."

"That's the issue. The file wasn't digitalized. In order to get ahold of it I'd have to break into the police headquarters. Besides, I have a feeling you want to go there just as much as I do."

Conan was taken aback by the thief's sudden statement. Do I really want to go back there after what happened? Conan thought to himself. He stole another glance at the sleeping girl. The expression she wore was the complete opposite of the one she'd worn the day before. The look of terror on her face was burned into his mind. He couldn't help but think about the child mannequin he'd seen as he hurried out of the house. She's talked about it, but not in any detail... That amount of terror she showed isn't even close to all the other times he's appeared. Conan's expression hardened with resolve. I want to know what happened to her. "Alright, I'll text you the address. You can meet me there."


"What took you so long?" Kid barked. He'd donned the disguise of a middle aged man with ash brown hair, but the look of annoyance was the same as ever.

"I had to make sure it was okay for me to leave her. Unlike some people I can't just disappear whenever I want." Conan snipped.

"Just hurry up." Kid grumbled.

Conan shook his head, and walked through the rusted gate. Two things immediately caught his attention. The first was that the door he'd left open the night before was now closed, and the second was that there was no blood on the pathway. He was positive the blood on her feet had left prints all over the ground, but there was no trace. He approached the front door, and turned the handle. Surprisingly, it gave way without any restriction. As was the case before, the house was dark, save for the light from the now open front door. Conan felt his stomach knot. The memories of the night before tore into his mind. He felt the sudden urge to run from the house, and go back to (Y/N). Doubt crept into his mind. I shouldn't have left her alone. What if something happens while I'm messing around here?

"If you aren't going in, then move over." Kid's voice snapped Conan back to reality.

Conan swallowed back the nerves, activated his watch light, and stepped inside. The story the outside of the house hid was still on full display on the inside. The two of them walked down the hall, and entered the living room. The gruesome scene was unchanged. The mannequin of the woman and toddler remained splayed on the floor, the bloody carnage nauseating. 

Kid's breath caught in his throat. No emotion showed on the thief's face, but Conan could feel his tension. "Where...?" Kid's voice trailed off, but Conan knew what he was asking.

"The dining room." He pointed to the doorway.

Kid started towards the room, his long strides clearing the distance in an instant. When he looked in to the dining room, he froze. Conan took a steadying breath, before joining him. The dining room was the brightest room in the house, but he could tell it was intentional. The windows were barricaded, but the tops weren't covered, allowing a beam of light to shine down onto the scene. 

The mannequin of a small child was splayed across the dining room table. Three of its four limbs were tied down to the table with what looked to be piano wire. The front of the small mannequin was destroyed. The gashes along it were methodical, but there were so many that it was impossible to tell where one ended and the next began. Dried blood clung to its small form, and stained the table below. Conan approached the table, and his chest tightened.  Where the mannequin's hands rested there were gouges in the wood. The image only worsened when he realized the gouges were old and worn from time. Last time he'd been in the house, there had been a table cloth across the table, but now its dark history was laid bare. The piano wire visibly dug into the figure, and Conan felt the sudden urge to cut them away.

"How did she survive this...?" Kid's voice was barely above a whisper, but Conan still noticed the faint tremble in his voice. 

"If I only saw this, I'd tell you it wasn't possible." Conan replied, his voice equally low. "The doctor who originally treated her wounds said she lost so much blood that she was afraid she would go into a coma before she could get her to a hospital." Conan took a steadying breath. "It probably was intentional, but her internal organs were undamaged. Except for her heart. Somehow... she survived. Despite all the odds being stacked against her."


When Conan returned to Dr. Agasa's the peace he'd left to was gone.

"I'm going to go look for him." 

"(Y/N), just take it easy. I'm sure he'll be back soon." Dr. Agasa tried to soothe.

"If you don't calm down you'll break your stitches." Haibara stated in her dull tone.

Conan hurried to the end of the entryway. "What's going on?"

The second she spotted him, the panicked expression on (Y/N)'s face faded. It was instead replaced by worry. "What were you thinking going back there? What if he'd been there?" 

"I'm alright, Kid and I just wanted to check some things. We weren't sure if he'd remove the evidence before long, so we had to go today." Conan explained, as he approached her.

"You went there with Kid?"

"Yeah, so I wasn't alone. Now, why don't you sit down, and try to take it easy?" Conan grabbed hold of her arm, and gently guided her back to the sofa. Her breathing was still stressed, and her face was pale. "We pushed you too far today. Maybe you should take tomorrow off to rest."

"No, I'll be fine. Besides, if I'm not there who'll keep the brats in check." She chuckled lightly.

"Just promise me you won't overdo it."

"We both know I have no impulse control, so I can't guarantee I won't. But, if it makes you feel better, I'll try my best."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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