Dark Impact: Part 2

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"So, this prank has been going on for two months?" Kogoro questioned, disbelief in his tone.

"Yes. Every Saturday, at around 6:30 a.m." Rena nodded.

"Did anything significant happen two months ago?" Conan asked.

"The only thing that I can think of is my change from Morning Live to Sunday Night News. However, I've never been the main newscaster." 

"What days did you work when you were on Morning Live?" You inquired, doing your best to piece all of this information together.

"Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday." Rena replied.

"So, it's possible the pranks started before then, and you just weren't here to witness it." Kogoro noted.

"Yes, on Saturdays I would leave at about 4 a.m." 

"Did the pranks always happen during those two months?" Conan piped in.

"Yes, every Saturday." Rena nodded, before stopping. "Oh, there was one day it didn't happen." 

"When was that?" Kogoro seemed eager at this small purchase of information they'd received.

"It was two weeks ago. I was on assignment Monday through Friday. That Saturday, when I returned, nothing occurred, though I was so tired, I could have missed the doorbell if it rang."

"Is that so." Kogoro mulled the information over in his head.

"Oh, there was also a Tuesday when the prank happened. It was after my vacation in October. However, that was the only Tuesday. Another time, there was a bottle of pills at the door." Rena recalled. "I asked a doctor friend of mine to run tests on it, but it just turned out to be sleeping pills." 

"That sounds like the work of a stalker." Kogoro muttered. "It may be a sign that he has plans for you while you sleep." The ever subtle Kogoro grumbled.

"But... tomorrow is Saturday." Fear covered Rena's face at the realization.

"No worries." Kogoro barked confidently. "Let me spend the night here, and I'll catch the culprit red handed tomorrow!"

When it comes from that lecher's mouth, it doesn't make this situation seem any better. You thought to yourself with a half chuckle.

Rena agreed quite readily to having you all spend the night. It probably was reassuring having so many people. She seemed to perk up quite a bit, as she busied herself with her normal Friday night routine. 

"Conan, Rin, go get ready for bed." Ran called, as she helped Rena with the dishes. 

"Ready for bed? How the am I supposed to do that?" You questioned. "Where are we even going to sleep?"

"Mr. Mouri said he'd stand guard at the door tonight, so why don't the three of you share the couch?" Rena suggested.

Normally, it wouldn't be a suggestion, but she had a large segmented sofa that had a shallow J shape. In short, it would easily fit the three of you. Ran would take the long segment, while you and Conan shared the small... You felt your face heat up. Sure, you'd bunked with Conan on several occasions, but you hadn't given it much thought in the past, at least until you woke up.

"I-I'll take the floor." You yelped nervously.

"What are you talking about?" Ran looked at you, her eyebrows knit in confusion. "It's just like when you two fall asleep on the sofa's at home."

No... no... most definitely not the same! You wanted to shout. You knew you weren't going to get Ran to listen to your protests now. She wouldn't understand why this was a problem, in the least. To her it was just like a sleepover with two first graders.

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