Kid's Final Retribution

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Conan and you walked side by side as you made your way home. You couldn't quite keep the smile from your face. For some reason, the fear wasn't returning as quickly. You felt at ease, as though the world around you simply stopped existing.

"What was all of that about?" Conan asked, still confused by your conversation with Cara.

"Oh, you mean what Cara was saying?" A smirk pulled up the corner of your lips. "She called you an imbecile, a nut job, no good, and a little shit." You summarized the negative things that Cara had said about him.

An offended expression flashed on his face. "What did you tell them that made her hate me so much?" He grumbled.

"It wasn't anything I said. She got that impression all from you, buddy." You snickered. "Though, if it makes you feel any better, she also said you could be pretty cute."

He perked up slightly, but then realized your wording. "Could be?" 

"Yeah, but first you have to wipe that sulky look off your face." You mocked.

His face turned more grumpy at your words. "I don't have a sulky expression." He protested.

You skipped a few paces ahead of him, then started walking backwards with your hands on the back of your neck. "Keep telling yourself that, Judo~" You hummed. "Anyways, changing the subject, we need to go pick up the phone. The sooner we get Ran off your back, the better."

"Yeah, I just hope this works." He mumbled. "Are you sure you can fool her for long enough?"

"Have faith in my genius!" You grinned. "I'm a professional bullshitter. Though, honestly, I'm surprised Ran let you out of her sight."

Conan scowled. "She wasn't happy about it, but I convinced her by saying it would be better if I came to get you."

"Figures." You chuckled. "She thinks her best friend has been secretly living with her. Which reminds me, you'll have a lot of explaining to do, should she find out."

"What do you mean?"

You raised an eyebrow, and pursed your lips. "Don't play innocent. You've done a lot of things with her, she'd never do if she knew who you were. Holding you during scary movies, nurturing you, taking baths together."

Conan's face turned bright red. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out.

"I'm not judging your pervy life choices, just be ready for her to kick your ass." You snickered. Conan balked at the idea. Considering Ran was a black belt, it made sense. You'd be scared too, if you were in his shoes. 

You glanced up at the street sign, and smiled. "Here we are." You approached the newspaper dispenser on the street corner, paid for a paper, and opened the door. You reached to the very back. You felt around until your hand brushed against the small package, then pulled it out. 

Conan looked at the small brown box, a frown on his face. "Is that the stolen phone?"

You gave him a mock aghast look. "I would never steal a cell phone. I paid for this with my hard earned money."

"You mean the money you strong armed people out of."

"Semantics." You hummed.

Conan sighed, and shook his head. "It's fine. I appreciate you getting it for me so quickly."

You perked up a bit at his words. "All that's left is to make the fake phone convincing, then 'accidentally' drop it somewhere for her to find." You stated, making air quotes when you said accidentally. "Then we wait for her to break into it, to see if her messages are on it. Next I call her acting like Big Judo, then you go in and get the phone back."

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