The Lost Dove

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Okay, so this chapter took me a bit longer than anticipated because I had to figure out a lot of stuff. Mainly having to do with time of death and such. My brain hurts, but I finished!

Also, idk about beaches in Japan, and I know there probably aren't any good ones in Tokyo, but I didn't want to go through the effort of figuring out another place with beaches, and a known police force that would be cool talking to teenagers and a kid. It's amazing how much the name of Sleeping Kogoro made the police so welcome to help, but without him, no new police are gonna listen. I know many of you probably don't care, but I'm sure you know how much I like to aim for realism.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!



I don't wanna get up yet. You thought to yourself, not even bothering to open your eyes.

Knock Knock

Leave me alone! You wanted to grumble at the door. You hadn't gotten as much sleep as you'd have liked. Unfortunately, you were a light sleeper, and the couple across the hall were partying. It'd taken you nearly an hour more to fall asleep thanks to them.

Knock Knock 

You finally opened your eyes, and glowered at the door. Don't you dare knock again. As if answering your prayers, there was silence... for all of ten seconds.

Bang Bang

You grit your teeth, and sat up. "What do you want?!" You shouted at the door.

"It's time for breakfast, you don't want to be late." Came Conan's reply. You let out a sigh, before dragging yourself out of bed. 

"Get up, idiot!" Heiji shouted.

"Who're you calling idiot, you moron?" You barked back, as you shuffled to the door. Your hair was dry and tangled since you hadn't bothered to wash the salt out the night before, so you attempted to straighten it with your fingers. When you made it to the door, you unlocked it, and yanked it open. 

Both boys froze as soon as they saw you. What's their problem? You thought, before looking down at yourself. Pajamas. You'd only brought one pair, with the understanding that you'd have your own room.  However, you'd forgotten about them when you'd yanked the door open. The pajamas included a pair of black plaid boy shorts, and a gray tank top with "Zero Fox Given" printed on the front of it (A/N:It doesn't say fox, it has a picture of a fox).

Your face turned cherry red from embarrassment, and you hurriedly slammed the door in their faces. Not only was it revealing, but it was also a dorky pun! "I-I'll be down in a bit. I'm just gonna... get changed." You called to the boys.

"Y-Yeah." Conan mumbled through the door.

You headed to the bathroom, and fixed your hair. I'll take a shower after breakfast. You quickly changed into a pair of coral knee length shorts, white blouse, and flip flops. You stole one last look at yourself in the mirror, and stopped. Your hand went to your chest, where the necklace from Kaito normally rested. "Oh no..." You hissed under your breath. You ran to the bed, and tore it apart in search of the glass dove. 

"Dammit!" You whined, as you flopped down on the ruined mess that was your bed. You'd scoured the entire room, but there was no sign of it. I should head down and see if the others saw it. You grabbed your purse, before heading out the door.


"What took you so long?!" Heiji barked, when (Y/N) entered the cafe. 

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