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So, in return for more frequent updates, I'll be posting shorter chapters. I hope that's okay with everyone. If not, let me know in the comments!

On another note, you got a nice and sweet chapter last time. You know what that means~~


"Conan, it's time to head in!" Ran called to the boy. The five of you had spent hours at the beach, but the sun was setting, and it was time for the fun to wind down.

He turned to you. "Are you coming in to?" He asked.

You smiled at him, before looking out to the horizon. "I think it would be nice to see the sunset." You replied simply. 

"You shouldn't stay out here alone..." He mumbled.

"I appreciate your concern, but this is something I want to do." You stated, your mind set.

"Conan, come on!" Ran called the boy again.

"Go on, I'll be fine." You ushered him forward. "My room is right next to yours, so we can talk tonight." You informed him, before giving him one final push towards the others. You turned away from him, and faced the setting sun. 

You'd waited your whole life for this, but it didn't feel as satisfying as you'd hoped. Sure, it was amazing, and the experience was better than you'd expected, but it felt hollow somehow. You were sure something inside of your head must be broken. After all, how could you feel so empty after spending so much time with so many people? It was like an ache in your heart that all the playing and goofing off in the ocean hadn't healed. 

You racked your brain, as you watched the sun slowly fade below the horizon. I didn't feel this before, so why now? Is it the beach? Is it the people? Is it me? You shook your head, and focused your eyes back on the sun. It was nearly hidden from sight now, it's beauty as it's light danced across the waves was almost intoxicating. You watched with pained longing, as it slowly vanished from your sight. 


Conan glanced at his watch. She still isn't back? He thought to himself. He went to the window of the hotel room, and glanced out. He could just make out her figure, still in the place he'd left her. Why is she still out there? She's going to make her cold worse... Conan glanced at the blanket on the edge of his bed, then back out at her. He hurried to the bed, and yanked the light blanket off. 

"Oi, where're you goin'?" Hattori called.

"I'm going to check on, (Y/N)." He replied curtly, before hurrying out the door. He did his best to hide the blanket, as he raced out of the hotel. Not once did he stop, as he made his way to her. He stumbled across the sand, doing his best to keep the blanket from dragging. He came to a stop just behind her, and took a second to slow his breathing. "Oi, are you trying to make yourself more sick?" He called to her. She finally noticed him, and turned. Confusion flickered across her face, as her eyes wandered across him. After a moment, a smirk pulled up the corner of her lips. 

"What, were you worried about me?" She mocked, though something in it didn't seem as playful as usual.

"I thought you might have fallen asleep out here. You said you were going to watch the sunset, and that was nearly three hours ago." He muttered, downplaying his worry. "Oh, and here." He held the blanket up to her. "It'll be a pain if you develop a fever."

She took the blanket from him, before draping it over her shoulders. "Thanks." She replied, before returning her gaze to the the rolling waves illuminated by the crescent moon. "It really is beautiful here." She whispered, though Conan could tell she wasn't talking to him.

He stood silently beside her, not sure how to respond to her mood. She wasn't upset, but she wasn't happy either. Each expression she'd given him just seemed... lonely.

They sat there for several minutes, the only sound the crashing waves. A flicker of motion on the ocean caught his attention. A pod of dolphins, leaping and arching out of the water. Her eyes finally seemed to truly light up as she watched the creatures play in the distance. This is the first time she's seen dolphins, so it makes sense she's so excited. Conan smiled softly, as he watched her. As quickly as they'd appeared, the dolphins vanished from sight.

"Did you see that, Ju..." She look to her right, before stopping herself mid sentence. The brightness in her eyes slowly faded again, as she turned her gaze down to look at him. She put on a smile, the loneliness from her gaze stabbing into his heart. "Maybe it's time we go inside, it's getting a bit too cold, don't you think?" She asked, not even bothering to ease the redirect.

"Uh...yeah." Conan mumbled.

She nodded, before heading towards the hotel. Conan followed silently behind her. Neither of them spoke, not even when they parted ways to go to their rooms.


Seeing the dolphins was a magical moment for you. You'd never seen anything quite like it in person. However, that's also when you realized what had caused it; the reason for the aching pain that burrowed into your heart.

You were alone. It wasn't anything against Ran, Heiji, or Kazuha, but they weren't who you'd wanted to see this with. It was Judo. Yes, Conan was right there, but that was the reason for this aching. This was the first time since you'd gotten so close to him that you weren't on equal ground. He was still a child, and you a young woman. His mind may be the same, but it wasn't the same. Had you both been in your child bodies, it would have been fine, but you'd gone and screwed it up by taking the antidote. 

When Conan took the medicine, he flourished. His teenage life was the ideal for him. He was popular and had several amazing friends that were his age. That's when he was the most free. When he became a child, he could only watch as that ideal life continued without him.

On the flip side, was you. Your teenage self was always alone. Sure, you knew Ran and the others, but your relationship with them was more of acquaintances than friends. It wasn't their fault of course, that was the relationship you'd aimed for. The one exception being Shinichi.

You could have continued blissfully unaware of what you were missing, were it not for your shrinking. Ever since you'd become a child, you were rarely left alone. Be it Conan, Haibara, or the brats, you were constantly surrounded by an intoxicating warmth. The brats always found a way to annoy you, and Haibara always tried to be a bit standoffish, but, in your heart, they were irreplaceable. You felt the need to watch over the brats, like they were your little siblings, and Haibara was like a sister to you. 

Now that you'd returned to your original size, that reality became painfully obvious. Ran still talked to you like a classmate, Kazuha talked to you like Ran's acquaintance, and Heiji barely even interacted with you. The one hope you had, was Judo. However, your transformation had placed an insurmountable crevice between you. 

You silently changed out of your swimsuit, and put on your pajamas, not bothering to get cleaned up. You climbed into the bed, and pulled the covers up over your head. You squeezed your eyes shut, and a single tear slid down your cheek.

You'd truly achieved the distance you'd always striven for, and you hated every moment of it.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (though sad it may be). I'm still brainstorming the next chapter, so it may take longer than a day to come out. I'm sorry!

Again, I hope you enjoyed, now I'm going to sleep! :p

Post Reread Edit:

: I 

How come you guy's don't hate me? I'm a terrible person... I mean, sure the emotions portrayed are realistic, but man do I feel like a horrible person for this! These poor characters. I'm so cruel to them!

Okay, upset rant over, that's all I had to say this time.

The Black Fox (Shinichi X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora