Cold Shoulder

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"Now, I want you all to work together, and finish the handout." The teacher instructed.

"Hai!" The kids all called in unison, before shuffling about to get into little groups.

Conan glanced over at Rin. She didn't make a move to get up, instead she just glared down at the handout on her desk. 

"I'm gonna go see if Rin wants to join us!" Ayumi hopped up, and skipped over to her. The two of them spoke for a moment, before Ayumi took the seat beside her. The annoyed look melted off of Rin's face, as she began to explain something on the handout to the other girl. Ayumi beamed happily, before scribbling down something on her own handout. 

"Why isn't Rin coming over here?" Mitsuhiko questioned.

"It seems to me she's mad about something." Haibara mused. 

"What did we do?" Genta grumbled.

"Maybe we should go ask her!" Mitsuhiko suggested.

Genta nodded, and the two of them hurried over to Rin's table. Rin addressed them as she had Ayumi before them. She spoke to them with that practiced patience of hers, and finally, the boys too sat down.

"So, what did you do to upset her this time?" Haibara inquired in a lazy tone.

Conan felt his face heat up slightly, remembering the fight they'd had the night before. He looked away from the kids and faced Haibara. "I-I didn't do anything! She's just..." He started, then stopped, feeling a pair of  eyes on the back of his head. He turned back around, and met Rin's scowling gaze. Finish that sentence, I dare you. Her eyes seemed to growl.

She tore her gaze away from him, and looked up to Haibara. "Do you happen to have a spare pencil? Genta just broke his."

"Sure." Haibara mumbled, as she fished in her bag.

"I have one." Conan stated, and held the pencil out to her, hoping to get her to talk to him.

She ignored him, and kept watching Haibara. "Here." Haibara stated, as she found a spare pencil, and handed it to her.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Rin smiled, before turning and walking away.

"That went well." Conan grumbled.


"Rin!" The kids shouted as they ran towards you.

"What is it now?" You sighed, wanting to go home and take a nap more than anything.

"We have a case!" Ayumi chirped. She grabbed your hand, and began to pull you back towards the classroom you'd just vacated.

"And that is my problem how?" You grumbled under your breath. 

Genta pulled open the classroom door. "We found her!" He announced, as you were dragged in behind them.

Conan locked eyes with you for a moment, before tearing his eyes away and looking to the 'client'. It was a young girl, probably the same age as the brats. Her hair was pulled up into pigtails with cute blue ribbons, and she wore a cute blue dress to match. "Okay, Yuriko, why don't you tell us what's going on."

The small girl nodded. "Yesterday, a man named Tokei came to see me. He said he worked for my great-grandfather, as his secretary. Before he passed away, my great-grandfather set up a riddle. The person who solves the riddle within 24 hours, gets his treasure. Mr. Tokei said that as the seventeenth heiress, it was my turn to try to solve it."

You looked at the young girl, and sighed. "Alright, let's get out of here." You stated loudly, before heading towards the door.

"Rin, where are you going?!" Mitsuhiko shouted.

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