I Love to Piss You Off!

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Are you guys tired of me yet? I don't think there are many that have kept reading this story, but hey, I'm happy to keep going till I can't anymore!

As a nice little present, this chapter is going to be pretty darn long!~ Enjoy!!


"This is trippy." You mumbled under your breath. "Going down takes you up, going up takes you down, traps around each corner. It's a fecking labyrinth house."

"What, are you not enjoying it anymore?" Conan chuckled, falling back to the end of the group to keep you company (though we all know it was more to keep an eye on you than anything).

"I'm just getting a little tired again, that's all." You sighed.

"You've done a lot of manual labor, so it's understandable." Conan stated. "We'll try to find our way back out in a bit, then you just take it easy. I'll handle the rest."

"Ugh, I'm not sure it's avoidable. Stupid body." You grumbled.

"Gwah!" Came Genta's panicked shout. Conan and you rushed to the front to see what was going on. A mound of skeletons piled in a side corridor.

"It's probably the poor saps who found their way into here, but never got back out." You muttered.

"E-even this old man..." Ayumi muttered sadly.

The 'corpse' she was looking at suddenly moved, causing Ayumi to jump. "Not an old man, but an old woman!" Ayumi hurriedly backed away, and hid behind Conan. "Yawn. That was a good nap."

"Y'know, if you sleep amidst skeletons, it makes you look like a nutcase." You chuckled, doing your best to hide the smirk on your face from a certain detective.

"Oh, seems we have another competitor for the treasure." The woman stated.

"Eh? I'm just here to kill time, by cleaning the grave." The old lady pointed behind her to a lone tombstone.

"That Samizu Kicheimon's..." Conan started.

"The gravestone of the Master Puppeteer." You hummed, admiration in your tone.

"What's it say?" Genta asked curiously.

You reached into your pocket, before letting out a sigh. "What's wrong, Rin? Did you forget your flashlight?" Mitsuhiko asked.

Conan gazed at you, and smirked. "One word, and I'll punch you." You grumbled.

"Here, you can borrow mine!" Ayumi volunteered, slipping the watch from her wrist and handing it to you.

"Thanks, I'm a bit ditsy today, it would seem." You said sheepishly, before turning the watch light to the weathered stone. "Let's see. 'Confused people, present to me the magical instrument. -Samizu Kicheimon.' What's the magical instrument?" You mused aloud, before tossing the watch back to Ayumi.

"Hey, old lady, is this some kind of cipher?" The woman asked.

"Is it? I just thought it was Kicheimon's grave." The old lady muttered obliviously.

Conan sat still, deep in thought. Suddenly, he perked up, and looked to the brute. "Hey, mister, didn't you ask us earlier if we'd found a strange stone? That means you would have a strange stone too, right?" Conan asked in a childish voice.

The man looked at Conan with mock confusion, but the expression was too forced. You grinned. "Actually, we already found a magical instrument made of stone~" You hummed. It wasn't hard to figure out what Conan was playing at.

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