Dance With the Devil

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Based on Episodes 176-178

I'm sorry I've been so slow to update as of late... I'm absolutely terrible to you guys! 😢 House shopping is hellish! It doesn't make sense that I have to pay to see if a house is worth it!



Hey, Haibara, answer me!


Haibara's eyes shot open, and she groggily sat up. "Kudo?" She mumbled.

"Is that you, Haibara?"

"Where are you?" Haibara asked as she looked around.

"Outside the hotel in Dr. Agasa's car."

"Where am I?"

"I was just about to ask you that!" Conan barked over the small speaker in the glasses.

"We must have gotten separated, someone drugged me, and brought me to this wine cellar." Haibara muttered, fear closing in around her. "It must have been Pisco. He left me alone in here, but he didn't tie me up. He could be back any second."

"Wait, you're alone!" Conan screamed into the receiver.

"Yeah, but not for long." Haibara cautioned.

"Where's Rin?!"

"Rin?" Haibara asked, her mind still clouded by the drug.

"She handcuffed herself to you! Where is she?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm right here." Came the grumbling reply. Haibara looked towards the voice and saw the girl sitting on top of the shelves of alcohol.

"What are you doing up there?"

"Looking for ways out." Rin stated matter-of-factly.

"Is she alright?" Conan asked Haibara.

"Why don't you ask me yourself? Or did you forget that Doc made me my own trinkets." Rin said in a bored tone as she jumped down from the shelves. She had in a pair of headphones connected to a small device that looked like an mp3 player. "I can tap into the frequency of the glasses."

"Why didn't you answer sooner then?" Conan growled.

"I'm sorry, I was a little preoccupied trying to find a way to get out of here." The girl barked back.


That boy! You thought to yourself with an angry scowl. Who does he think I am? I'm not some ignorant twit who sits around twiddling their thumbs!

"Did you find anything?" Conan inquired.

"The only quick way out of this room is through the chimney. The downside is that with our little bodies we won't be able to climb." You thought aloud.

"Listen up, Kudo. The drug that shrunk us, Apotoxin 4869, works by controlling the multiplication of the cells in the body. In short it causes the body to kill itself." Haibara informed the young detective.

"What are you talking about?" Conan protested. "You can tell me all of this when you get out of there!"

"That's the point, you won't be seeing me again. Even if I get out of here, the Organization knows I'm here. I can't come back or you and the Professor will be in danger." Haibara muttered the reply.

"Just shut up, will you!" You growled, startling both of your friends. You glared angrily at the girl. "I'm gonna get you out of here, you're going to go back with Doc, and you're gonna live a normal-ish life! Now shut up and let me think!"

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