Boys, Can't Live With 'em Can't Live Without 'em

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"Great." You mumbled as you locked yourself in the bathroom. "First Judo, now Bakaito. Why must they be so clingy?" You moaned. After thirteen years of being alone it was uncomfortable being dotted on. It was nice and all, but it was unfamiliar. You were so used to fighting for yourself, and being treated like scum. "I need to clear my head." You sighed, as you nonchalantly climbed out the window. Unsurprisingly, climbing out the window with a leg in a cast, crutches, and cumbersome bandages wasn't easy. God dammit! You mentally cursed, as you slowly lowered yourself out the window. You quickly got your bearings, and hobbled home.

You made your way to your dilapidated little apartment, and dropped onto your cot. It wasn't nice ditching Kaito after he helped you, but since when did you care about what others thought about you... "I'll call him and apologize tomorrow." You sighed as you covered your eyes with your arm.


Ring Ring Ring

"Shut up..." You moaned, as you threw the little disposable phone off the nightstand.

Ring Ring Ring

"Noooo..." You groaned, pulling the pillow over your face.

Ring Ring Ring

"Ughhh!" You grumbled, finally sitting up to answer the small flip phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, how are you feeling?" The voice buzzed over the receiver.

"Judo? What time is it?"

"Nearly noon."

"Ughhhh, too early!"

Shinichi chuckled. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Whadya want?"

"I wanted to check in on you. Kid called me freaking out because you apparently vanished."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I...had...errands..."

"No need to apologize. You ran off before I could talk to you yesterday, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday..." Shinichi mumbled.

"W-What do you mean?" Dang it, how'd he figure it out?

"What do you expect? I'm an ace detective!" Shinichi chuckled.

"You stole the hospital forms too, didn't you?"

"Whaaat? I don't know what you are talking.... yeah, yeah I did..." Shinichi stuttered. "Happy birthday~"

"Thanks Judo!" You smiled to yourself.

" I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" He muttered.

"What do you have planned?"

"That's a secret!"

"I'm still not very mobile you know."

"Yeah, I know! Don't worry about it! Where should I meet you?" Shinichi asked. "You shouldn't walk to my place, and I don't know where you live, so?"

"Are you asking me where I live? That's a little forward." You chuckled.

"Don't say it like that!" Shinichi whined.

"Don't worry, I've had my fun. I suppose it's time someone knew where I live. My place is at 2 Baker Lane, apartment 21." You rambled off the full address out of habit.

"Sweet!" Shinichi shouted happily. "I'll be there in a jiff!"

"Yeah, I'll see you in a bit" You sighed, hanging up.

You quickly washed up and got dressed. Minutes after you finished you heard a car pull up outside. Shinichi immediately leapt out of the cab and ran towards the stairs. Crap! You hadn't expected him to come upstairs! From the outside the building looked perfectly fine, but that just hid the ruined and dilapidated insides. You looked around your apartment with disgust. The paint was peeling, and completely gone in some places; the floors were so old there were holes, and some places you didn't dare step; the apartments contents were no better, most of it coming from yard sales or the junkyard. Great... now what? You thought as a set of knuckles rapped on the old wood door.

"Hey, (Y/N), it's me." Came the simple call.

Whelp, no changing it now. You mentally sighed as you hobbled to the door and cracked it open. "Hey, Judo. You didn't have to come up to get me."

"You're my friend, why wouldn't I come up to help you out?" Shinichi stated defiantly. "Can I intrude? I kinda have to pee. " Shinichi grinned sheepishly.

"God, you are such a dork." You chuckled as you pulled the door open further.

"Thanks!" Shinichi grinned. His childish grin faltered when he looked upon the disaster that was your apartment.

"Sorry about this place. I've lived here since I was a kid, but I've never had guests." You apologized.

His brows furrowed. "I didn't see anyone on my way up, does anyone else live here?" He asked.

"Well, not exactly." You shrugged. Shinichi looked at you, his face bearing an all too familiar hated expression, pity. "The bathrooms over there." You pointed to the little bathroom. "I've got to do something, you can meet me in the cab. I might be a while." You mumbled as you went out the door Shinichi had just come through. You adjusted the crutches, and headed up the stairs to the roof.

You flung open the door to the roof, and hobbled over to the edge. You put down the crutches, sat on the half wall that lined the edge of the roof, and swung your legs over the edge.

The view was incredible from your rooftop perch. You loved it up there. You could even see your old neighborhood that held so many fond and terrible memories. Some days the view filled you with hope, other days it filled you with despair. Today, the latter held true.

"What were you thinking?" You mumbled to yourself. "Just because you've gotten closer to people doesn't change the circumstances. You're still a homeless bum living in an old abandoned apartment complex. What did you expect him to think? He lives in a friggin mansion, baka!" You chastised yourself. You leaned back along the wall and looked up at the drifting clouds sadly.

"So, this is where you went."

You sat up quickly, nearly losing your balance. "I thought I said you should wait in the cab." You replied, turning to the teenage detective.

"I know, but I wanted to apologize. I'm not 100% sure what I did, but something upset you when I got here, so I'm sorry." Shinichi said softly. "I was just a little surprised when I saw your apartment and your possessions. You're this masterful thief who steals things worth billions of yen, so it caught me off guard."

"Baka! What kind of person would I be if I kept all that money, and what kind of thief would I be if I made it obvious I got billions of yen every week." You mumbled.

"So, what happens to all the money you get, and all the artifacts you keep?" Shinichi asked.

"Nice try Judo, but you're still a detective. I'm not going to tell you those sorts of things so easily."

"You told me where you live." Shinichi pointed out.

"Yeah, but I'm no fool. I don't have my gear in such an obvious place. Besides, I already had to tell Mcguire where I generally live so a car could pick me up."

"Good point."

"Now, what's so special that you decided to come all the way out here?"

"I want to take you somewhere special. Someplace I think you'll like." Shinichi smiled. "It's a little more than that, but that's the gist."

"Very well then Mr. Kudo, lead the way." You chuckled as you grabbed your crutches to follow the high school detective.

The Black Fox (Shinichi X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin