The Rarest Gem

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Alright, I promise the White Day chapter is next, this is just a build up chapter (so to speak). Hopefully it's good, and you all enjoy it!


You stifled a yawn, as you watched the teacher going over the next assignment. Today, you were sitting in the very back corner of the room, in the lone empty desk. The lesson was rather boring, but you were doing your best to participate.

"Now, I want all of you to pick a partner. You'll be completing the next assignment in pairs." The teacher announced. The children muttered excitedly among themselves, as they picked their partner. You just rested your head on your desk, and rested your eyes. You already knew you'd be paired with one of your five companions, most likely Genta. Ayumi would want to pair with Conan, and Mitsuhiko would want to pair with Haibara, leaving Genta to work with you. The boy wasn't the best at classwork, so you usually ended up spending extra time to make sure he understood what was going on. You'd become more tolerant of it over time, and had even come to expect it.

You heard the chair beside you pull out, and someone plopped into it. You opened your eyes, and glanced to your side. Scrunching your eyebrows, you studied the person beside you. "What are you doing over here?" You grumbled, without lifting your chin off the desk.

"If you'd rather work with someone else, I can leave." Conan smirked. "We all figured you deserve a break from trying to tutor Genta, so you've got me." He added.

You let out a groan. "Great, so my options are to walk someone through an assignment at a painstaking pace, or deal with your cocky grin. I'm not sure I like those options~" You hummed snarkily, but your smile was evident.

Conan chuckled, and flicked your forehead. "Don't act like you aren't glad for the break."

Before you could respond, the teacher started talking again. "For the next twenty minutes, I want you to talk with your partner. After lunch, each of you will come up to the front, and tell us what you know or learned about them." The teacher announced.

You tried to hold back your laughter. "Which you should I talk about?" You snickered, as you nudged him in the shoulder.

"It would probably make no sense to them if you talked about anything but Conan." He whispered back.

You watched as the teacher wrote several key points she wanted the answers for. Full name, date of birth, favorite color, favorite person (real and fictional), favorite food, dream job, what are they good at, what are they bad at, personality, your favorite things about them, and one phrase to summarize them.

You leaned back in your chair, and sighed. "Any questions you want to ask me~" You hummed, a smirk quirking up the corners of your lips.

"Not really, what about you? Anything you need to ask me?" He scoffed.

"I'm good~"

"Let's make a deal to be completely honest. It'll be interesting to hear about what you don't like about me." He chuckled.

"If that's what you want, it's a deal." You held out your hand, and he shook it confidently.

"It's a deal."

The two of you sat there in silence. The teacher came over to prompt the two of you to talk, but there was no need. Twenty minutes passed by quickly, and people started going up. The answers were pretty basic. Most of the kids picked Masked Yaiba as their favorite character, ice cream as their favorite food, and muttered some basics about the rest. When everyone was done, they were rewarded with applause. When it was your turn, you sauntered up to the front, a bounce in your step. The teacher was looking at you skeptically, but you couldn't be more confident.

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