The Family Killer

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Shinichi sighed as he ran towards Dr.Agasa's. He hoped that (Y/N) was feeling better. He knocked on the Doc's door, and waited.

"Why, hello Shinichi!" Doc answered the door.

"Hey Doc, how's (Y/N)?" Shinichi asked.

"Oh, your friend left a short while ago. She told me to thank you for helping her, then left."

"Oh, alright. I'll have to check on her later. Hopefully her parents aren't too mad at her for not coming home last night."


We're going to skip the less important parts, and go straight to your next night escapade.


You sat perched on the roof of a department store. You were listening to your police radio. Your head was still pounding from before, but you couldn't take any medicine for it. You couldn't have your senses dulled while you worked.

You were about to give up when you heard something interesting over the radio. Two murder cases in as many days. What are the chances? You thought to yourself as you grabbed your glider and leapt off the building.


"We've got two bodies. A husband and a wife." Mcguire stated as he looked at the corpses of the young couple.

"How terrible." Shinichi sighed.

"Murderers have no care for the newness of life. They simply fuel their own twisted desires." You call down from your perch on top of a lamp post.

"What do you want?" Mcguire growled when he looked at you.

"I simply want to help!" You shouted, holding your hand up defensively.

"We don't want your help, so stay out of our way!"

You stayed silent, and watched them work.

Shinichi began his search, mumbling to himself all the while. Mcguire directed his men, sending them scrambling in different directions.

"I can't believe this. This is the third case this month. He's picking up his pace." One of the officers said to Shinichi and Mcguire.

"This case is different though." Mcguire thought. "That man only kills families together, but this isn't the same."

Wait, what?! You thought, your heart skipping a beat. You stood up, and leapt to the roof of a nearby building. "Hey, Mickey." You called to the detective.

"What is it now, Black Fox?" Mcguire grumbled.

"That killer you were talking about, why haven't I heard anything about him in the news?"

"We haven't released the information to the public."

"And you say he kills families?"

"Yes. Are we done now?"

You try to calm yourself down, feeling your anxiety growing. "It's your lucky day, Mickey."

"And why might that be?"

"I'm going to help you with this case."

"I'm not in the mood to play your games! We'll handle this case! I'm not going to pay you, so you can play vigilante!"

"I'm not asking for payment. Consider this pro-bono."

"Pro-bono? That doesn't sound like you." Shinichi replied skeptically.

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