The Silent Killer

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Based on Episode 336. Warning: Long Chapter Ahead!

So, I re-watched the sixth movie (The Phantom of Baker Street), and, as always, I pondered what (Y/N) would be like in it. Just based on how the movie is, she'd go with the others and try to help. However, if there was a fantasy stage, she'd have ditched them. Her reasoning?

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to go hunt a friggin dragon! I see murderers on an almost daily basis, I want something interesting!"

As such, she'd ditch them (She wouldn't feel the need to worry about Conan, he was, after all, in his element. Also, on a more logical note, being with each other would have caused a distraction. If we're honest here, they both would have gone out of their way to keep each other safe. She is well aware that she'd be incapable of focusing on winning with him around). And would she hunt a dragon? You bet your ass she would. Even if it wasn't a quest or part of the story-line, she'd find one and fight it just for the sheer joy of fighting the mythical king of beasts.

Okay, enough of my rambling. On with the story!


The six of you arrived at the rather trashed apartment of Hojima, where you would rest until the movie was ready. There were empty cans, boxes, and computer disks all over the one bedroom apartment.

"This is even messier than I imagined." Mitsuhiko muttered.

"You really should clean up properly." Genta grumbled.

"Then... why don't we clean up before we go to sleep?" Ayumi chirped, as she ran up to the desk. She went to grab a stack of disks, but you swatted her hand. She looked offended by the action, but you just shook your head.

"You parents must have taught you not to touch someone else's stuff without permission. For some people, disorder is their order." You chastised her, but made sure not to seem too upset about her action. She was, after all, trying to help out.

"I appreciate you wanting to help, but I would rather you didn't touch anything. I need to be able to find everything." Hojima stated, backing up your previous assumption.

"I'm sorry." Ayumi muttered, her chipper bubble a little deflated.

You pat the girl's back, and smiled at her. "It's alright. You're a naturally kindhearted person, so you wanted to help. Just make sure not to get carried away. Remember to consider how others feel."

Ayumi beamed happily, and nodded. "I got it!"

One of the three men from the Film Studio (the one you hadn't been paying attention to), dropped onto the couch, and loosened his tie. Hojima opened one of the two doors, this one leading to the bedroom. "You guys can stay in here, while we take the couches. You all should be able to fit on the bed if you sleep horizontally."

"Today everyone did well!" The man on the sofa, apparently his name was Furumura, spoke into a portable video camera.

"What's he doing?" Genta whispered to Hojima.

"Lately he's gotten into doing a video diary." Hojima explained.

"I should get going." Negami called, as he opened the front door again. "I have a bit of work I still need to finish."

"Okay!" Hojima replied.

Everyone got ready to sleep. Since none of you had a change of clothes, you just took off your coats and shoes, and did your best to get comfortable. The brats climbed into the bed, while Conan and Haibara waited for the chance to get in the bed too. You just sat down at the far corner of the room, and leaned against the wall.

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