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Based on Episodes 374-375

Hello everyone, I'm finally back!!!! I am so very sorry for not updating for so long. My life has been pretty hectic, but things have temporarily settled. I've been eager to continue this story, since it's so fun to write and to read all of your comments!

This piece of art is courtesy of I love every last piece of art all of you send to me!! Thank you so much for the amazing picture! If any of you ever feel like sending me a photo, you can send it to me at , and I'll feature it on the next available chapter!!!

Also, I have a question. Dr. Agasa and Doc or Professor Agasa and Professor?? It's Dr. in the English, and Professor in Japanese, however it kinda sounds weird them calling him Professor all the time. This whole time I've sort of jumped back and forth, but I didn't know if all of you had a preference. So, I'll leave it up to you if I change it or keep doing what I have been.



"Rin, hurry up!!" Ayumi shouted to you.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" You replied. You slid another knife into your pocket, and straightened your dark blue sweater. Thirteen knives, four trackers, a few spare tranq darts, and a replacement watch were all safely stashed in your bookbag, not counting the usual weapons and tools you had hidden on your person.

With the last weapon tucked away, you hurried out of Dr. Agasa's house, and joined everyone at the car. "What took you so long?" Mitsuhiko grumbled.

"I grabbed a few snacks." You shrugged, flashing the bag of snacks that hid your weapons.

"Let's get going then!" Genta shouted happily. Everyone loaded into the car, and you set off.

It had been a few weeks since you'd found Kuro, and your fear had only continued to grow. You were jumpy, skittish, and anxious at almost all times. It wasn't the kind of thing you'd normally allow to go on. Normally, you'd have left before hitting this point, but you couldn't do that anymore. You stole a glance back at Conan who was stuck in the back with the brats. You couldn't keep running... at least that's what you told yourself.


"Let's go find a star!!!" The three brats shouted in unison, as they clambered out of the car.

"Don't run in ahead!" Dr. Agasa attempted to instruct the kids, but to no avail. The kids were too excited at the prospect of finding and naming their own star or comet to hear a word he said. He hurried after them, while Conan and Haibara followed just behind him. You sauntered back at the rear, soaking in the moment. The way the brats got excited over the smallest things, turning everything into an adventure; the way Dr. Agasa cared for all of them, as though they were his own family; the way that Haibara had slowly begun to embrace the childish rose tinted view of the kids, a small smile frequently on her face; the way that Conan walked unburdened by the world around him, with a strength in his shoulders that eased your fears. You'd taken a conscious effort to imprint each of these little moments on your mind and heart, so that surviving wouldn't be so hard.

Dr. Agasa held the door of the pension for all of you, before approaching the front desk to check in. "You're Mr. Agasa, right?" The gentleman at the front desk greeted with a bright smile. "I've been waiting for you. Please sign your name in the register." Dr. Agasa did as instructed, sounding out his name as he wrote.

"Hey, where is he?"

You all turned to the voice. A young woman, probably no older than 30, leaned against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. She had long wavy black hair, and dark brown eyes. She would have been very attractive, were it not for the splotchy red in her cheeks, bottle of heavy liquor in her hand, and reek of booze on her clothes.

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