Christmas Carol Killer Part 2

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You were in no mood to sleep. You knew you should go home, but your mind was racing a mile a minute. I won't stop until I catch this scumbag. You thought to yourself with an angry scowl, as you grabbed your stashed bag of supplies.

You used a payphone to call Kogoro's landline. Using your voice changing bowtie to sound like Dr. Agasa, you left a message telling them that you were staying at his place. You also told them that you would meet them at the party, and to bring you a change of clothes.

When that was finished, you went on to your primary objective. Having remembered the address for the Christmas party, you headed there to stake things out. You easily picked the lock on a window, and slipped inside.

You checked for the usual security systems. You used your special goggles to scan for lasers, then scanned around for cameras. When the coast was clear, you used your mini grappling hook. You shot it across the hall where it's inch wide titanium hook latched around a pillar. You took a breath, then stepped out onto the thin cord. You balanced on the cord, as the expert thief you were. When you were in the center of the room, you sat down.

Alright, I have a plan to keep poison in the food and drink from happening. I'm sure he has other plans though. What will he do? You thought to yourself.

"Think, (Y/N). Think!" You growled silently to yourself. "Alright. Poisoning of food or drink will be limited, so what else?" You scanned the large hall once again. "There are several upper level balconies. Ideal for a sniper. I can give them a heads up about that, and just keep my eyes on them myself." You continued talking to yourself. "I doubt he will use any type of gas. So far, he's only targeted certain types of people. First the traveling sales representatives and then the bakers."

You straddled the cord, and laid back. You stared up at the vaulted painted ceiling, and sighed. "I have time, but I'd rather get it done as soon as possible." You thought to yourself.

You stood up, and balanced all the way back to the window. When you stood poised on the window sill, you pressed the button on the small remote in your pocket. The hook's prongs retracted into the tip, and the cord was sucked back into the handle before it could touch the ground. You closed the window behind yourself, and relocked it..

Without a second glance, you leapt from the windowsill, and sprinted away from the mansion. You headed straight to the old abandoned factory, and ducked inside of the abandoned storage trailer. You removed your backpack, and began to dig through your stashed gear. You pulled out a few of your special stainless steel throwing knives. They were mainly a thick plastic, with a razor thin sliver of metal along the edges. They couldn't be detected in metal detectors, even more so since they had special sheaths inside the soles of your shoes. Well, they did, until you became a pint sized wonder. I'll just have to improvise. You thought to yourself, as you grabbed a few more tools, and left to get ready.


When Conan woke up, he was anxious. Rin hadn't come back. He ran straight to Ran. "Hey, Ran, have you heard from Rin?" He asked worriedly.

"Dr.Agasa called last night to say she was staying with him. She'll meet us at the party, so we need to bring her clothes with us." Ran informed him.

"Oh, alright." I'll call him, and see how she's doing. Conan slipped outside, and went into the first phone booth he came to. He dialed the professor's number, and waited for him to pick up.



"Kudo? What do you need?" Haibara asked with a yawn.

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