The Girl With a Dark Past

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Shinichi paced back and forth anxiously. It had been hours since Dr. Hamamoto had pushed them out of the room, and had started working on the girl. Shinichi was so worried he couldn't sit still. He couldn't understand why he was so worried, but he just couldn't help it.

That girl fascinated him. She acted like all she cared about was the money, then she went and almost got killed protecting a kid. On top of that she was insanely intelligent and an incredibly skilled fighter, but there was something about her past that worried him. Why did she suddenly snap when she found out about the serial killer, and where did she get that terrible scar?

Dr. Hamamoto pushed open the door, and exited the room. She sighed as she pulled off her gloves and mask. "How is she?" Shinichi asked, his voice urgent.

"She'll live, fortunately. Had you called me much later though, she would have died. I managed to remove all the glass from her stomach, but she's still in bad shape. It's a miracle she survived all of that, and that scar she has... It seems familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Anyways, she needs lots of rest, and only let her have liquids for the next week."

"Alright, thanks for everything." Shinichi said as Dr. Hamamoto left.

Shinichi entered the room where Black Fox was resting. Dr. Hamamoto had moved her to the small cot in the corner, and left the soiled towels and clothes on the metal table. The towels were saturated with some much blood, it was nauseating.

Shinichi went over to the cot, and looked down at the sleeping girl. She was covered in bandages, her black mask standing out against the sea of white bandages. She snored very softly as she rested, and she seemed relaxed.

Shinichi put his face in his hand and chuckled. Who knew the famous teenage detective could get so worked up and worried over a wanted thief. It was preposterous, but he was relieved knowing that she would be alright.


You open your eyes, and stare up at the dark ceiling. You could already feel the pain seeping into your very core, so you dared not move and make it worse.

You couldn't remember what had happened after you had stopped the serial killer. You vaguely remember calling Shinichi from a payphone and leaving the scene, but everything after that was hazy.

You slowly turned your head to look around when you spotted him. Shinichi Kudo was asleep on the floor with his head resting on the cot, and his face was less than a foot from yours.

You quickly began weighing the pros and cons of moving and making the pain worse vs staying there with your face that close to Shinichi's. You were about to move when the teenager opened his eyes and yawned. He stretched, then noticed you facing him. His eyes lit up and he smiled. How cute!... Wait... WHAT? I must have hit my head really hard. That is the ONLY explanation for that sudden, unexpected, mental outburst! You mentally chastised yourself.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake!" Shinichi said with a relieved chuckle.

Did my heart really just flutter! Oh, God. I have to leave here immediately. I thought that was just something they said, I didn't think your heart could literally flutter! You panicked, feeling your face heat up ever so slightly.

"Doc told me to be patient, but I was worried you wouldn't wake up. Guess I was worried for nothing." Shinichi laughed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"What happened?" You whispered through the pain haze over your mind.

"Do you remember anything?"

You nodded. "I remember attacking the serial killer in the apartment, and I remember chasing him after he left. Then, I remember catching up with him, fighting him, and tying him up. I passed out for a couple minutes, and when I woke up I think I called you. Everything past that is a complete blur." You recounted.

"In the middle of our phone call you gasped and dropped the phone. I don't know what happened to you after that, but when I went home after giving my statement at the station I found you collapsed in front of my house. That's two hours unaccounted for." Shinichi filled in the details he had.

"I don't know what happened in that time, but I do remember feeling scared. I ran from whatever scared me, and I guess I ended up at your house." You tried to recall.

If she was scared, why'd she come to me? I understand why she wouldn't go to the police, but what about parents, or friends? Shinichi thought to himself.

"Now that you know I'm a girl I suppose you can't call me Aster anymore." You realized.

"So then, what should I call you?" Shinichi asked.

"I don't know... I guess, maybe, Celeste." You said.

"So kinda the female counterpart of Aster. That'll work." Shinichi agreed. "Okay then, Celeste, I have a few questions for you. You don't have to answer them if you don't want to, but I want to understand a few things."

"Fire away. It's the least I can do after you saved my life." You give Shinichi the go ahead.

"Alright, first question: why would you nearly kill yourself to stop that serial killer? Had you told me or Inspector Mcguire what you had realized, we could have helped."

"I don't like to depend on people, so I didn't tell you or Mickey. I went to those lengths to stop that serial killer because I couldn't let him hurt that little boy. Then, when he ran away, I pushed myself even further because I knew he would go after that child again or kill another family. I would rather get killed rather than watch someone else die right before my eyes. I won't let that happen again." You explain your eyes hardening on the last sentence.

Again? Shinichi thought to himself. "So, after all of that, why come to me?"

"I didn't have anyone else I could turn to." You whispered sadly.

"What about your parents?"

"They're dead." You stated bluntly.

"How'd they die?" As soon as the question left his lips, Shinichi knew he had hit a sore subject. Your eyes fell and your face hardened. "Sorry, that was rude of me. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Shinichi apologized.

You took a deep breath. "They were murdered."


Dun dun duuuuuuun!

Your parents were murdered!? Does the past have anything to do with why you don the mask? Find out in the next chapter, The Pain in Her Heart!

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