Countdown to Heaven: Part 1

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Heads up, this chapter has a healthy dose of sad and adorable, just a fair warning. Anyways, I'll start working on part two tomorrow, but I need sleep! Leave a comment with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions! I'm sure you've noticed by now, but I love reading and responding to all of you!


"Please, just don't hurt my children. I'm begging you!"The raven haired woman pleaded with the blood soaked man.


"Mommy!" You sobbed, tears pouring from your eyes in uncontrollable waves.

She locked eyes with you, a forced smile on her lips. "It's going to be alright, (Y/N). Mommy and Daddy love you very much." Your mother called to you from across the room, as the deranged killer went down on her with the knife.


You jerked awake, headbutting someone in the process. You tried to calm your breathing, as you looked at the person you'd unintentionally hurt. "Sorry about that, Judo." You mumbled, as you unbuckled your seat belt and exited the car. Dr. Agasa had decided to take the kids on a camping trip, which, despite your best attempts to avoid, included you.

"It's fine." Conan mumbled, as he rubbed his sore head. "Were you having another nightmare?" He asked, his eyes contorting with worry.

"No, I just got startled awake by a noise." You grumbled, as you tried to hide the embarrassment on your face.

The boy, of course, knew you were lying. "Alright, well we were just about to set up camp." Conan replied, as he led the way to the others.

Fortunately, you didn't have to do anything. Dr. Agasa and Haibara were making dinner, while the others were busy setting up the tent. You instead climbed a tree, and sat in one of the highest branches. You stared up at the distant clouds, oblivious to the world around. How you envied those clouds that drifted lazily above, needing not but to allow the wind to sweep them away. How you wished you could be one of those clouds, no pain, no struggling, just drifting.

"Oi, Rin!" Conan shouted. You glanced down at the annoyingly loud voice.

"What is it?" You sighed.

"Come down from there, it's time to eat!" Ayumi chimed.

"Yeah, hurry up or Genta will eat your share!" Mitsuhiko chuckled.

"Let him." You muttered, before turning back to the clouds. They didn't reply, so you assumed they'd decided to leave you alone... boy were you wrong. The tree began to shake lightly. You looked back down, and spotted that infuriating twerp climbing up after you. "What are you doing?" You growled.

"Coming to get you." He stated.

"Don't put your foot there." You called. So, of course, he put his foot there. The dead branch snapped, and the boy started to fall. You groaned, before jumping down after him. You caught his hoodie, and activated your grapple-belt. The carbon fiber cable shot out of the belt, and latched around one of the thickest branches on the tree. You slowly lowered to the ground, not looking at the dangling boy. When you were a few feet off of the ground, you dropped him, before lowering yourself the rest of the way. The boy rubbed his sore rump, as you recoiled the cable. "I told you not to put your foot there." You grumbled.

"I know." Conan chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "But I got you down, didn't I?" He grinned at you.

You sighed, before pushing past him, and heading to the picnic table. "You win this round, Judo." You hummed.

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