The Power of Silence

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You couldn't sleep. That was a fact that didn't surprise you. The midday sun had long since set, but still, peaceful dreams wouldn't consume you. Instead, those wraiths stalked in the shadows, and as soon as you closed your eyes they fell upon you like rabid dogs. You'd expected this, however, that didn't make it any easier to deal with. Between the stress of the case, the transformation, and panic attack, you were exhausted. You wanted nothing more than to sleep, but their hellish ghosts wouldn't allow it. After your twelfth attempt to rest, you'd finally given up.

As always, you found yourself drawn to the silence of the library. You locked the door behind you, before scanning the shelves for something to distract yourself with. You picked an Agatha Christi novel, and began to listlessly flip through the pages. Reading a book about murder when you were having nightmares probably wasn't the best idea, but it was far less hellish than your own demons. You continued to read about the pudgy detective Poirot, letting the written word wipe away your reality.


"Oi, (Y/N), you coming or what?" Conan called to you.

You smiled, and went to step towards him, but you couldn't move your feet. Confused, you looked down at your feet. Your feet were submerged in a viscous tar like substance. No matter how much you pulled, the substance would not relinquish its hold on you.

"You put so much confidence in that boy." That chilling voice hissed, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. "But face the reality. He won't always be there to come to the rescue." 

You grit your teeth, and set your jaw. "Just shut up. I've heard it all already." You spat.

"What will you do, when he can't save you? Will you go back to how you once were?" The disembodied voice taunted. "Will you snivel and cry like you did when I slit your mother's throat? Or, will you grow cold and distant like you did when you were running?"

"I said shut up." You snapped. You kept your eyes focused on Conan's waiting figure. It was the only way you knew to keep the nightmare from inducing full blown panic in your heart.

"Let's test it, shall we?" The voice hummed.

With a sudden jerk, the tar began to bubble, and you began to sink. Panic welled into your chest, but you tried your best to force it down. You thrashed, and clawed. Solid ground was so close! The tar was up to your chest now, it scorched everything it touched, but you didn't cry out. It's just a dream. The pain isn't real. You tried to ignore the pain, but that didn't stop the tar from rising. The hot liquid started to creep up your neck. In a matter of breaths, it reached your face. You took in one last desperate gulp of air, before you were completely submerged. 

Come on, wake up. Wake up! You urged yourself, but the darkness still tapped you. Your lungs began to burn, as they begged for air. Wake up. WAKE UP! You could no longer hold in the stale air. Your body instinctively tried to take in a fresh breath, but there was only tar. The thick liquid filled your lungs burning you from the inside out.


You jerked awake, your heart racing. The fatigue had gotten the better of you, and you'd fallen asleep in the middle of your book. Your body desperately begged you to rest, but that didn't change the reality of your nightly torment.

You lightly slapped your face a few times. "Come on, (Y/N). No rest for the wicked." You hissed, your cheeks stinging lightly. 



You jumped at the sound, as it echoed through the library. Like a rabbit preparing to escape the wolf, your muscles tensed and your heart pounded.


You didn't move, but your mind raced. Is it the Butcher? He wouldn't knock, unless he's trying to torment me...

"Is she asleep still?" A voice whispered behind the door, and immediately your fear melted away. "You sure?" The voice fell silent again. "Okay, I'll try knocking again."



"Hold on a second, I'm coming." You called out in a low voice, as you walked over to unlock the door.

"(Y/N), is everything okay?" Conan's voice hummed through the door.

"Yeah." You stated, before pulling the door open. There he was, those intoxicating blue eyes probing your own worriedly.

"Are you sure? Dr. Agasa called and said your heart rate kept spiking." 

"I-It was just some bad dreams. Just the usual." You dismissed.

His expression softened, though the worry remained. "You really should stop hiding in the library." He chuckled softly. "We have a guest room, you know."

"Y-yeah, but the smell of the books helps me calm down when I'm alone..." You muttered.

"Well I'm here now, so you're not alone." He stated as though it solved everything. "Come on, you look exhausted." He gently took your hand, and began to guide you towards the guest room that Yukiko had made into your bedroom, though he wasn't aware of that.

He pushed open the bedroom door, and stopped. "Looks like this is no longer a guest room." He smirked.

"Sorry. I would have told you, but your mom told me not to." You shrugged guiltily. 

"Not like anyone was using it. Besides, it's a good idea for you to have a place to stay when you can't go anywhere else." He stated, as he continued to guide you into the room. He finally let go of your hand when you were at the bed. 

You hesitated for a moment, before pulling back the blankets, and climbing under them. You pulled the blankets up, until they covered your mouth. You didn't want to admit it, but you were still afraid of closing your eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but your voice caught. You cleared your throat. "Would you mind... staying with me... Just until I fall asleep." Your voice was barely above a whisper. You weren't even sure if he heard you. But, without a word, he sat on the edge of the bed, propping himself up on his arms.

You bit your lip nervously beneath the blanket, to steel your nerve. You silently untangled your hand from the blanket, and grabbed hold of his closest one. He seemed startled, as he looked at your overlapped hands. A bright blush began to work it's way onto his cheeks. He looked as far away from you as he could, but that didn't hide the red on his ears. "You really are just like a little kid." He mumbled, but he didn't attempt to move his hands.

"Thanks, Judo." You whispered, as you finally allowed the fatigue to consume you. Just before the fatigue dragged you into the folds of sleep, you felt his grip on your hand tighten reassuringly.


That's another daily short one finished for you all! I hope you liked it!

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