Stone of the King

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Look at me, actually being productive~~~ I've updated a lot this week! I'm proud of me. lol Anyways, on with the story!!!


While the others stared at the mound of stones, you tossed your book bag to Dr. Agasa, and waded into the water. You grabbed the first stone, and nearly fell over. "Dammit." You hissed. You gritted your teeth, and picked up the stone, your anger at the situation fueling your strength.

"Here, let me." Conan stepped into the water, and took the dripping stone from your hands.

"We'll help to." Ayumi volunteered, taking a step to the water.

"Yeah." Genta and Mitsuhiko both were right behind her.

"Don't move." You barked, causing the kids to jump. "Don't come any closer. Just stay back there with Dr. Agasa." You instructed. To everyone's surprise, the kids didn't protest. You let out a sigh, before going deeper into the water.

You crouched down, and picked up another stone, grunting under the effort. One by one you handed the stones off to Conan, who put them up on the shore. When the stones were small enough, you hurled them towards the shore on your own. You didn't speak as you worked. The silence was finally broken by Conan.

"Why'd you snap at them like that?" He whispered, keeping his tone low so the others wouldn't hear.

"They'd just get in the way." You muttered, as you handed him another stone.

He grabbed the stone, but didn't take it from your hands. Instead, he stood there, and studied your expression. After a moment, he grinned. "You're worried about them, aren't you?"

Without warning, you shoved the stone into Conan's arms, causing him to stumble. "We don't have time for your stupid theories." You grumbled. Your words came across as harsh, but the faint color on your cheeks betrayed you.

"Oi, I'm gonna need your help for this one." You barked, pointing at a rock much larger than you were. Normally, you'd have just gone around the stone, but the massive stone pedestal went across the corpse's torso.

He waded over to you, and looked at the situation. "We might need more help with this one." He muttered. He turned to call to the others, but you interrupted him.

"We can do it on our own. I'll go to the deep side, and lift from there, while you lift on this side." You instructed.

"We're not strong enough to lift it alone." Conan stated. "I know you don't want the kids involved, so how about Dr. Agasa."

Your face contorted in anger and frustration. "Fine. If you have to."

Conan called the much older man over, and he waded into the water. When the boys were in place, you took a deep breath, before submerging your head under the water. You went to the sunken edge of the pedestal, and wedged your feet into the muddy riverbed. You took a moment to get a good grip on the stone, before lifting with all of your strength. Your knees and arms groaned in protest, but you ignored them. The stone finally started to move, and you gave it one last hard push. To your relief, the stone cleared the corpse.

You stood back up straight, spluttering slightly when your head was finally clear from the water. "Rin, you okay?" Conan called over to you.

"Yeah... I'm... fine." You said through heavy breaths. When your breathing finally slowed, you dove back under the water, and began to slowly push the body towards the bank. When it was just about to peak out of the water, you stopped. "Professor, get the kids back further." You instructed.

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