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Conan charged out the door, and leaped down the stairs. The others had already started pushing their way out of the room below. Conan spotted Yoshiro, and charged towards him.

"Where's the control room?!" Conan shouted, the urgency clear in his tone.

Yoshiro seemed startled by Conan's harsh tone, and panicked expression. "Just down that hall. The last door on the left." Yoshiro directed.

Without waiting another moment, Conan broke into a sprint. He slid to a stop infront of the control room door. The door was slightly ajar, and faint light leaked into the hallway. He slowly pushed the door open, his body tensed. His eyes scanned the room, and immediately landed on the figure that sat curled beneath the desk.

"Rin!" Conan shouted, and ran to her side. He dropped to his knees, and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder. He could see that her cheeks were stained with tears. "Rin..." He repeated her name, this time a worried whisper.

She turned her head towards him, and gave him a weakened smirk. "I told you I could do it."

Conan's eyebrows scrunched worriedly. Her silvery blue eye was now enveloped in a sea of red, and she seemed to struggle keeping it open. He brought his hand up to the left side of her face, and let his fingertips gently brush just below her eye. She winced, and he pulled his hand away.

"What happened?" He asked, doing his best to keep the worry from his voice.

"I kinda got socked in the face." She said with a shrug.

"What happened to the culprit?" Conan asked. The room was messed up, pointing to a struggle, but there was no sign of another person.

"Well... Kid showed up, and the guy ran for it." She explained.

"Kid!" Conan growled the name. He loathed the damn thief, but he supposed he owed him one for protecting (Y/N) this time. "Did you get a good look at the guy?"

(Y/N) winced again, and brought a tentative hand to her eye. "No, he was wearing a mask. When I got punched, my eyes started watering like crazy, too. Kid came in not long after that."

Conan let out a sigh. "I guess it can't be helped." He took her hand, and gently started pulling her out from under the desk. "We should meet back up with the others. They're probably looking for us."


It didn't take long for the police to arrive to the scene. The four of you stayed there for hours, trying to figure out the identity of the killer inside the room, but there was nothing to go on. You could see the gears turning in Conan's head, but there was nothing more to do.

The ride home was silent. Nobody knew what to say after the day's events. Several murders, a theft, and no suspects. Kogoro parked the car out front, and you wasted no time heading inside. Ran and Conan stopped at the first landing to open the door, but you kept heading up the stairs.

"Rin, where are you going?" Ran called up to you.

You turned back to her, a tired smile on your lips. "I'm kinda worn out from today. I was thinking of taking a nap for a while."

Ran's eyebrows scrunched. "I'm going to make dinner soon. Do you want me to bring it to you?"

"Nah, I'm not feeling hungry. Thanks thought!" You replied, before climbing the remaining steps, and heading inside.

It was dark inside the cramped apartment, but you were grateful for it. Being alone in the dark was what you wanted. You headed to the room you shared with Ran, and headed inside. As soon as the door clicked shut, you sagged to the ground. You could no longer stop the trembling that consumed your body, nor the tears that seeped from eyes. You'd lied to Conan, again. The events from the control room tore at your insides like shards of fractured glass. You wanted to tell him, to cry into his chest while he held you, but you couldn't let him know. If he found out, the peace would shatter. If he found out, you would no longer be able to keep fooling yourself into thinking everything was okay.

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