Mildly Interested

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Based on Episode 205

Hello everyone! We've got a new nickname for one of the police force in this chapter. Let's see how many of you can figure out why I chose it!

Also... how much longer do you want this story to go on for? I mean, I could make it go on for a lot longer, or cut it off soon. Either way is fine with me. I'm enjoying writing in all of my stories, so taking this one out wouldn't be that bad. It's up to you guys!


You woke up bright and early. After all, today was an important day. You left a note on the table, and headed out. You took a taxi to Haido 4th Avenue, and got out at the street corner. You had your hood pulled up to cover your face, in order to keep people from identifying you. You walked down the block, and set to work. You went back to the street corner seven times, before you were satisfied with your work. You then hailed another cab, and got a ride back to the place you currently called home. It had been three hours since you left.

You slipped back inside, and locked the door behind you. You thought you were in the clear, when you heard someone clear their throat. You turned around, and spotted the bespectacled detective you'd grown close to. "What are you doing up so early?" You yawned.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Where'd you go?" He asked, his blue eyes prying for the truth.

"It's none of your business." You replied.

He glanced down at your clothes, and back up at you. "Why is there pollen all over your shirt?"

"I believe I already gave you my answer~" You hummed.

He shook his head, and sighed. "I give up with you. I figured you should know, Ayumi thinks she saw the arsonist that's been on TV lately. She wants us all to go with her to the police station to give a description." Conan informed you.

"Are we going to see a specific officer?" You inquired, mildly interested.

"Detective Sato, why?" He replied, knowing you wouldn't ask for no reason.

"Sure, I'll go with you." You smirked. "Let me get changed real quick." You bounded to your room before the detective boy had a chance to respond.


You yawned as you followed the rest of the detective boys into the police station. It was actually pretty amusing walking in there so casually. If any of the officers knew who you really were, this would be an entirely different scenario. The six of you walked up to Sato's desk, and she perkily greeted you. After that, Ayumi began her description of the culprit. To your surprise, Sato started sketching out what Ayumi described.

You acted bored, while silently observing the detective. You were impressed at how well she was hiding her deep emotions, but it wasn't well enough to hide it from you. When Ayumi finished describing the suspect, Sato turned the notepad around. "Did he look kinda like this?"

You smiled when you saw the childish doodle. "Not at all." Ayumi replied bluntly.

"That drawing's terrible." Genta grumbled.

"Isn't there anyone more suited to take a description?" Haibara sighed.

"The person in charge of this is sick today..." Sato mumbled in embarrassment.

Detective Takagi, and Inspector Shiratori (who you called Sir Swan) walked up behind Sato, and joined in the mumbling about her terrible drawing. You droned them out, until they came up to the six of you. "Besides, we don't even know if the man she saw is the culprit." Shiratori noted.

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