My Knight in Shining Blubber

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Sorry it's taken so long for me to post. I'm finally starting to get past my sickness! 🎉🎉

The video above is one of my favorites. The creator was ingenious in this video! It is a hilarious depiction of so many fabulous anime! I especially love the inclusion of Kid 😂 the creator captured his essence perfectly in 10 seconds!


"Just leave the bow alone." Conan chastised.

"Never." You grumbled, trying to pry the red bow out of your hair.

"It's not going to hurt you. Just leave it!"

"It will forever hurt my image!" You barked.

"Of what, the pint-sized elementary schooler who tries to act like a high-schooler?" Conan chuckled.

You glared up at the bespectacled boy. "First, it's the other way around. I'm a high-schooler acting like an elementary student. Secondly, I'm not pint-sized." You hissed.

"That's not the point." Conan sighed.

"I'm not just going to ignore that! Don't call me little unless you want to fight!" You growled venomously.

"Are you that upset about it?" Conan giggled.

"You need to be educated! I'm not short, I grew until I was perfect! In nature, the small creatures are the ones that live the longest. Society seems to think that the bigger you are the longer you will live, but that just isn't true! In times of devastation like drought and famine the small survive! The smaller creatures will endure, so don't make fun of me being small!"

Conan seemed startled. "I can see you feel very strongly about this. I'm sorry for upsetting you." He tried to placate you.

You grunted, and returned your focus straight ahead. Conan had pushed the wheelchair all the way back to Mouri Detective Agency. Conan called up to Ran, and she came down to help. She helped you up the stairs while Conan struggled with the wheelchair.

"I like that ribbon you have there, Rin." Ran smiled at the bow clutched in your hand.

"Thanks, Ran!" You smiled while you cringed on the inside. She placed you on the couch, turned on the tv for you, and put the bow in your hair. Dang it!

After a few minutes Conan entered the room, having successfully put the wheelchair away. He grumbled something about being sick of lugging it around, and dropped onto the sofa next to you. You shook your head, and switched the channel to the news.

"Hey, Conan. I'm going out with Sarina, are you okay taking care of Rin until I get back?"

"Where's Kogoro?" You asked. Not that he's any help in the first place.

"He's out drinking with some of his friends."

"I can take care of things here. Have fun with Sarina." Conan replied boredly.

"I'll be back later tonight. You two behave!" Ran called as she left.

Conan sighed, and headed to the kitchen. "I'll make us some food. Want anything specific?"

"Nah, just make whatever's easiest." You replied, focusing on the news.


Conan entered the kitchen, and began to rummage through the fridge. Beer filled most of the fridge, and there wasn't really anything to eat. "Guess instant ramen it is." Conan sighed, and started boiling the water.

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