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You stared blankly ahead, as the nurse replaced your bandages. All but three of your finger-bones were broken, and the flesh was gouged open. The doctors had stitched together the rent flesh, and put most of your hands in a cast. However, you had yet to regain feeling in your right pinky (a fact you'd kept to yourself). You felt disconnected from everything, from the pain in your body, from the person in the room with you, even from the light that shone in your eyes from the open window. The nurse left when she was done, not a single word escaping your lips.

When she closed the door behind her, you pulled out your phone, and typed out a short message, before sending it. You got to your feet, and headed towards the window. You could see Dr. Agasa and the Detective boys walking towards the entrance, so you made your move. You were in the emergency room on the first floor, so you did the only natural thing to do when presented with all of that... you climbed out the window.


Conan looked up at the massive hospital, and sighed. He was sure he was in for a lecture from (Y/N), and he wasn't looking forward to it. He knew he'd pissed her off, but he was ready to receive whatever anger she still had left. He'd been shocked to find out that she too had escaped from the room he'd locked her in, and made her way to his confrontation with the Black Organization. He didn't know the details about what happened after he'd passed out, but, based on (Y/N)'s condition, it couldn't have been good. After Vermouth had left him in the car in the middle of the woods, he'd been worried about Haibara and Ran, but they were both unharmed. He'd been even more worried when he found out (Y/N) had arrived afterwards.

I'm in for a serious lecture...

He hadn't talked to her in the two days since the event. His only information about her came from Haibara and Dr. Agasa, who had already been to visit her.

"There's no point." Haibara mumbled softly.

"What?" Conan asked, turning to look at the girl who was absorbed in her phone.

"She's gone." Haibara stated, holding her phone out for him to see.

"What?" The brats shouted, as they crowded around him to see the message on the screen.

I'm going now. Farewell. Was all the simple message read.

"We have to find her!" Ayumi cried.

"Yeah, let's split up and search the hospital!" Mitsuhiko agreed. The three brats ran inside to search, with an exasperated looking Dr. Agasa trudging along behind them.

"You know where her room is, so I'm sure you know where she most likely is." Haibara muttered.

"Yeah." Conan nodded.

"Very well, I'll go keep Dr. Agasa company while the children search." With that, Haibara headed inside after the others.

Not wanting to waste another moment, Conan ran into the small forest that lined the edge of the parking lot. He scanned the forest, and spotted small footprints in the dirt. He followed them, keeping an eye out for anyone. It wasn't long before he caught up with her.

"Rin!" He shouted her false name in case others could hear him. She stopped walking, but didn't turn to look at him. He came to a stop just behind her, and stopped to catch his breath. "What are you doing?" He inquired, unsure of her expression.

"I'm pretty sure I was clear in my message to Haibara." She finally responded.

"Yeah, but I don't understand why you're leaving."

She finally turned to look at him, her eyes void of emotion. "It should be obvious. A genius detective like you should be able to figure it out with ease." She grumbled.

Conan hesitated. "Is... is it because of what I did?"

"Of course it is." Came her curt reply.

"I was trying to keep you safe! I didn't want to drag you into any of this!" He protested. "Look what happened to you because you got involved!"

He knew he'd said something wrong almost immediately. Her expression darkened, and her fists clenched. "What gives you the right?" She hissed.

He wasn't sure how to respond. "Wha..." He started, but didn't even get the chance to finish a word.

"Did you think, even for a second, that maybe you weren't the only one who had someone to protect?!" She barked. "Did you consider that the only reason I'm still here is because of you?" He was too stunned to respond, though it wouldn't have mattered. She wasn't done yet. "I'm only here because you told me... swore to me, that we would handle all of this together. We'd both make it through this and get back to our normal bodies. That's why I'm still here. If it weren't for that, I'd have been gone ages ago. Yet here you are, keeping me out of the loop, and swan diving into dangerous situations."

"I had it all under control." Conan replied, though the intensity of her words paled his own.

"Oh, I'm well aware of how in control you were." She snarled. "You were 'in control' up until Vermouth didn't take you to see her boss."

Conan's eyes widened. "How did you..."

"Dr. Agasa told me." She interrupted again. "At least someone has the decency to include me."

She turned to continue walking, but he caught her arm. "Hold on! Please, just wait. I know you're mad at me, and I'm sorry. I was afraid to put you in danger, so I didn't consider your feelings in the matter. So, please, don't go. I'll include you in everything, if you just stay."

She turned to face him again, her expression once again unreadable. He prayed she'd agree, but instead she reared back her arm, and slammed her fist into his face. He staggered back, letting go of her arm, as he clutched his now bleeding nose.

"SHIT!" She hissed, as she clutched her hand, blood beginning to seep through her bandages. "DAMMIT! SON OF A BIGOT IDIOT TERRIBLE CONAN HOE!" She growled incoherently.

"Why'd you punch me?!" Conan shouted, as he tried to wipe the blood that oozed from his nose.

"That's for tranqing me, locking me in a room, and handcuffing me to a desk!" She snapped back. "Which brings up another point!" She started. "You aren't really worried about me, you're just interested in playing the hero!"

"What are you talking about?!" Conan objected.

"If you were really worried about my well being, you wouldn't have immobilized me and taken all of my means of defense, when you know a nut job is after me!" She yelled.

Conan froze. She was right. He had been so preoccupied with the Black Organization, he'd forgotten about the other shadow that loomed over her. "Y-you're right..." He muttered, ashamed of himself.

"I told you, I'll respond in kind to your actions. So I'm going to be just as selfish."

"I'm sorry, alright!" He cried desperately. "What do you want to hear? That I was an idiot, and failed to realize what my actions would cause? Cause I am! Do you want to hear me say that I never should have treated you like you were incapable? Cause it's true! What do I have to do to make it up to you?"

She stopped again, before looking back at him. Unlike before, a smirk pulled up the corner of her lips. "I'll have to think about that." She hummed, before walking past him.

"Where are you going?!" He called after her.

"Back to the hospital." She stated. "Your hard head reopened the stitches in my hand." She chuckled with a shake of her head.


As you made your way back to the hospital, you were aware of the boy that trudged along behind you. You felt a little guilty about punching him, but he'd deserved it. Besides, you'd meant every word. If he wouldn't keep his promise, you had no reason to stay. Maybe this event would make him realize it. Though, if I'm being honest with myself, I doubt I'd be able to stay away for long if I left. You thought to yourself, with a soft smile. I wouldn't be able to trust that dork to stay safe. So, I'll stick around, until I can no longer keep him out of danger.

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